Good morning, Everyone! A warm hello to all the Assumption Sisters, to our College President, Dra Ola Regala, to all Alumnae watching today’s proceedings, most specially to our celebrating Jubilarians of 2022!
And what a wonderful morning it is to be celebrating Old Girl’s Day!
I realize how you all must be anticipating what the Velada per se has in store for us, so let me get started with the business part of the day.
As many of you may be aware this portion of the program also serves as the Annual General Membership meeting of the AAA. So bear with me as I share with you some figures on the year that has passed and some activities that are still on-going.
Having the fiduciary responsibility for the monies you’ve donated, know that last 2021, we disbursed a total of P12,775, 171.73. This is broken down as follows:
P 157,309.00 – Typhoon Odette (excl: donations in kind: 3,688 care bags)
P 961,388.49 – Noche Buena (over 3,100 packs)
P 1,285,171.24 – Project COPE (Continue Our Pursuit of Education)
P10,371,303.00 – 2021 Pie Distribution
P12,775,171.73 – Total Disbursements
P 1,290,999.00 – Assumption College
P 7,010,854.00 – AEDEV (Assumption Educational Dev’t Fund, this is where the 8 mission schools fall under)
P 500,000.00 – AMA (Associate Missionaries of the Assumption
P 599,950.00 – MEI (Marie Eugenie Institute)
P 500,000.00 – MRMF (Mother Rosa Memorial Foundation)
P 469,500.00 – Covid Relief Project
P10,371,303.00 – TOTAL
2021 Jubilarian Donations
P1,000,996.00 – 1996 – Silver
P 400,000.00 – 1991 – Pearl
P 100,000.00 – 1986 – Jade
P1,088,527.10 – 1981 – Ruby
P1,000,000.00 – 1976 – Sapphire
P2,500,000.00 – 1971 – Golden
P 100,000.00 – 1966 – Emerald
P 75,000.00 – 1961 – Diamond
— In kind — – 1956 – Blue Diamonds
The Blue Diamonds contributed in kind, their most significant contribution being the stained-glass window fronting the AC Sanlo Chapel.
Chinkey Velayo, last year’s AAA president stated: “The AAA is not the BOT, but all of you.” Let me repeat that: the AAA is not the BOT. It is all of you, all of us.
Believing in and agreeing with this, one of the by-words of this year’s BOT is that of inclusivity. And we seriously tasked ourselves to be more inclusive.
The Batch Reps Committee – successfully launched its Club-bing activities. There is a Book, a Cooking, a Crafts, a Dance and a Bible Study Club. We asked Assumption Old Girls or former AC Faculty or relatives & friends of Alumnae to be our guest teachers. The Club activities garnered participation from senior Alumnae to fresh graduates.
The Chapters Committee, reached out to our Alumnae across the seas, to host the 1st ever St Marie Eugenie Rosary over 4 Saturdays of October. Old Girls from Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and Asia, volunteered to take part.
The College Alumnae Committee celebrated several milestones in our inclusivity endeavor as well. Just as each HS Batch has their Batch Reps, for the first time, Batch 97 of the College Dept voted Batch Reps to represent them. We likewise inducted these officers into the service of the AAA. This year too, the College Dept’s Silver and Golden Jubilarians also joined the Velada.
Also prominent in AAA’s pursuit of inclusivity is of course, the Faith & Spirituality Committee. Initiating several activities, Alumnae of all ages and all locations, were invited to actively take part in Masses, rosaries, recollections and the SME Kwentuhan sessions.
From its success last year, the Website Committee continued to source articles from, or feature Old Girls in its editions.
And last but not the least, the Nominations and Elections Committee or NOMELEC, encouraged Alumnae across the board, to take part in the electoral process of voting for 5 of your 2023 Trustees.
And speaking of the NOMELEC, we are quite excited to announce the results of the 2022 online elections. But first an overview of this year’s voter turnout:
623 Alumnae registered.
515 Votes were cast.
30 votes were invalid and making a total of
485 valid votes.
And without further ado, in alphabetical order, using their maiden names, AAA’s new board members are:
Bartolome-Nisce, Tinnette, HS82
Concepcion-Young, Marie, HS77
Dela Fuente-Aruego, Dette, HS92
Lopa, Mariana, HS2006 and
Recto-Montenegro, Andie, HS79.
Congratulations to the BOT’s newest board members! The Board looks forward to working with you real soon.
Just another thought in AAA’s inclusivity thrust: We reached out to work more closely with other AC groups: Assumption Together, the Assumption College, the AC Sisters, the BED Family Council, the Community of Lay Assumption and the Marie Eugenie Institute.
Allow me now to congratulate as well AAA’s indefatigable Committee Heads who with their members, worked and succeeded to include more of the Alumnae in AAA‘s activities. Thank you, Ana Singson, Gina Boncan, Tes dela Paz, Jenny Silayan, and Chin Joson.
My deepest thanks as well for the entire 2022 Board of Trustees, (CLICK) without whom none of this year’s activities would have come to fruition. A shout-out too, to our Office Staff: Arlene Hombrebueno and Rose Ocampo.
St. Marie Eugenie says to carry-out “A positive action even in [your] small sphere of influence.” (I will repeat:) to carry-out “A positive action even in [your] small sphere of influence.”
Inclusivity is another way for the Board to ask you to BE INVOLVED. We have received far too much not to share it with others. And if there’s something better than giving the best of what we have, it’s giving others the best of who we are.
I realized more than ever this year how a “yes” helped tremendously and that it needn’t be a huge yes or a financial one.
It might be the simple act of forwarding an announcement to your Batch, leading a decade of Hail Marys, inviting your classmate to a Recollection, joining a Club, rendering an opinion, registering for the elections or even asking your child to help out with techie work.
No gift, no yes, is too small. We are all qualified. And that is the power of the collective of the Alumnae. Put all those little efforts together –and the big ones, too– and they redound to something extraordinary. Last year, it translated to P12M plus of extraordinary assistance, complemented with love and compassion in the form of your shared time and talent.
St. Marie Eugenie says that “Each of us has a mission on earth. It is simply a question of seeking how God can make use of us to make His Gospel known and lived.”
For those still seeking how God can make use of you, you can begin by getting involved with your Alumnae Association, and to use the Jubilarians’ theme: let’s “Give Back”.
Congratulations again to the 2022 Jubilarians. I’m sure we’re in for a wonderful Velada.
Thank you!
Copyright © 2025 Assumption Alumnae Association