My warmest greetings to all Assumption Alumnae in the Philippines and around the world.

I would like to start off by saying how fortunate I am to have a team like this year’s 2020 Board of Trustees.

We had an exciting year all planned out…and even got to see some of our events push through successfully.

But as we all know too well, 2020 turned out to be a series of unfortunate events… for the Philippines, the world and the  AAA.

In January, we had the Eruption of Taal volcano, followed by several earthquakes around the country.

At the end of January was the beginning of, The Covid-19 Pandemic which saw us go into quarantine on March 15…and we are still under quarantine today.

And sometime in May, in the middle of the pandemic, The Milleret Building where our AAA headquarters was located was condemned when on return to work our AAA staff discovered cracks all over the office.

All these, plus everything else that is happening in the world, and in our own country….could easily have brought any one to the depths of despair.

But not for Assumption…not for our alumnae. Our own Mother Foundress lived through a pandemic and I witnessed her  same response in the actions of fellow alumnae and the Assumption community this year.

There was the Taal Drive spearheaded by the College.  And various COVID-19 efforts by different batches for both Assumption communities and other local charities.

The current AC-AAA-BED FC joint project for COVID (Project COPE) has disbursed nearly 2M pesos to help sustain AAA beneficiaries during this ongoing pandemic

And for our office, we were generously given a temporary home in the Basic Education Department.

God really provides for our needs, we just have to keep faith in Him.

And though socially distant, your Board of Trustees remains as a working Board.

I would especially like to thank the Spirituality Committee for keeping our Faith alive through recent online masses.

And the ART/ MagnificART  auction committee for providing an alternative and very creative means of fundraising for our beneficiaries.

I would also like to take this time out to remind you all that the general referendum is still ongoing and for those who have registered, to please vote by 12 noon today. The amendment is simple, it is to allow remote or alternative modes of communication for holding our general elections and members’ meetings.

Finally, I would like to congratulate this year’s Silver Jubilarians for keeping our Old Girls’ Day traditions, namely the mass and the VELADA, alive this year.

Amidst everything, they were still able to have activities, like their own COVID efforts.

Thank you Class ‘95 and to the Jubilarian Committee for arranging today’s program.

And to all other celebrating batches…Happy Jubilee to you all!

Usually this report ends with the presentation of checks by last year’s Jubilarians, this year will be a bit different as they will be presenting it virtually through a prepared video.

Through your generosity in 2018, the AAA was able to give over 4.7 Million in aid to beneficiaries of the 2019 PIE. This year it looks like we may reach nearly the same…with around 4.5M in donations.

Thank you for all your support.

 Stay healthy….stay safe….stay AC STRONG!

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