By Marga L. Santero | HS 1996

Volume 20

The Gift of the “Other”

In a world where there are just too many avenues to vent and destroy others and be unkind, this St. Marie Eugenie quote is a gentle yet powerful reminder for us all as we choose positivity and respond with kindness and love each day. Some days we find ourselves encountering difficult people who are hard to be around more so to love, this quote reminds us to recalibrate most especially when others’ “good side” remains elusive.

As I continue to pray for my heart each day to ensure it is in the right place, I do my best to remind myself that everyone is carrying their own pain too. “Hurt people hurt” as they say, yet this doesn’t have to be the path we choose for us to take no matter how much others have hurt us.

The same extends to how we see ourselves too. Most times we become too hard on ourselves, without realizing that we push away our best side when we refuse to believe that we are uniquely gifted with talents, strengths and skillsets more than good enough to share with others. On the other side of the spectrum most times we fail to see that one of the best parts of love is loving and seeing ourselves the way God loves and sees us.

As I matured through the years, I have learned to be more accepting and respectful of others’ differences and unique qualities. And though sometimes dissimilar to mine, I believe they too have more “good” sides than meets the eye and it is my prayer that each person I encounter gets to realize this too and sees the good that others and I see in them.

Growing up, I have gone through trial and error, gaining and losing friendships. Along the way, as I navigated through a world composed of so many kinds of people in and through the friends I’ve made, be it by accident or divinely appointed, including friends I’ve made through the work I have delved in and the list goes on… And yet amidst some disappointments encountered, I remain thankful for the grace and wisdom this SME quote provides that will always remind me to never give up on finding the good in others. Hopefully, in so doing, others get to see God’s love and truth as I do my best to live by it.

Marga L. Santero | HS 1996


HS 1978

Volume 19

“Each of us has a mission on earth”, said Saint Marie Eugenie

My formative years at the Assumption led me to where I am now.  And it was because of the teaching of the life of Saint Marie Eugenie that I got the inspiration and direction  to understand what I was meant to be as an adult.  Growing up wasn’t easy, there were may pitfalls, failures and trials.  Life for me wasn’t perfect, but I would lift myself up every time I fell and go back to the path that Jesus wanted me to be on.


It’s been over 45 years since I graduated from Assumption High School and still Saint Marie Eugenie continues to influence my life, my way of thinking.  My 33 years as a career diplomat of the Philippines has brought me to many places and afforded me the opportunity to meet all kinds of people, from Popes, to  Kings and Queens, and Presidents, and many other people in between, from all walks of life, and from every corner of the world.  Because of the examples of Saint Marie Eugenie, I learned  responsibility, humility and passion for my mission on earth.


Throughout these years, I continue to think of “ my mission “.  Not just the diplomatic mission, but that personal one, the one I live by every day. I now know for sure that it is my mission to make a difference in the lives of those around me.  Responsibility, humility and passion for my mission on earth.  That is what I learned at the Assumption, that is what  Saint Marie Eugenie inspired me to be.

HS 1978



Volume 18

This quote brings to mind the motto of AC HS ‘84… FIAT.   It’s about trusting and surrendering everything to our Lord Jesus Christ who knows what is best for me even if I cannot understand or see it now.

It’s a big part of the story of my life… from the smallest challenges to the big ones.  One story that is close to home and related to AC was when I lost my best friend to cancer in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic.  Looking back, it brought me and our AC HS gang closer to one another and to God as we would get together daily at 3 p.m. to pray for our friend.  I am happy to share that these daily sessions continue to this date.  Inspite of the loss, I’ve come to see the many blessings and graces I’ve received through this — the sisterhood, the laughs and the eats we share have brought so much joy and peace.

This quote inspires me because it reminds me that God is my Creator and my Father and that He has always loved me first.  It tells me that He has made us for something big and has called us to cooperate with Him in His plan in whichever state in life we are in.

It also reminds me that little details, the small things we do for others — like dropping a message, calling to say hello, spending time, listening — makes all the difference.


Financial Markets Professional



Volume 17

This quote serves as a deep reflection of my own life journey. It is a beautiful reminder that faith can bring joy to our lives, even in difficult times. The sense of fulfillment when there is a continuous connection with God is pure joy.

My life has been filled with overwhelming challenges and in moments of uncertainty, I’ve turned to my faith to navigate the complexities.  It is remarkable how seeking God’s guidance has not only provided solace in times of trouble but has also been instrumental in shaping the choices that have led me to where I am now.

Contrary to the notion that solitude equates to sadness, I have discovered that being alone is a powerful experience when accompanied by the presence of God. I am not truly alone, but rather have the best and greatest partner in life, God. No matter how big or small, each moment is a joy when God is by your side. Recognizing the presence of God positively influences my perception of others. It gives me joy and meaning in my life especially when presented with opportunities where I can reflect on what actions align with my faith, often asking myself, “What would God have done?”

This contemplation not only guides my decisions but also allows me to contribute positively to the lives of those around me. In the end, life’s journey becomes more meaningful and joyful when we live guided by faith. God is the ultimate judge. As we seek God in times of confusion, “What would God have done?”.


Professional and Fitness Enthusiast



Volume 16

We meet all kinds of people every day. Most are pleasant, or at least, pleasant enough..? And then, there are the not-too-pleasant ones. These are the kinds that test our patience.  But, God did not ask us to understand him/her.  He asked us to LOVE him/her. To have faith.


The pandemic was a huge challenge for all of mankind. It elicited many different reactions from people, bringing out either their best or their worst. It pushed me to simplify my life, choosing to surround myself with only a handful of people, and maximizing time with them via Zoom, savoring every moment. I also found myself forgiving the people who hurt me, but most of all, forgiving myself for the past… starting anew. The pandemic taught me to appreciate people more, listen more, and love more– especially family and all their perfect imperfections.

Seeing the best side of others means choosing to be happy! I wish to live the rest of my days going the extra mile and giving that extra smile.  So, RUBY, let’s all go that extra mile with insanely huge smiles on our faces!!!! Yeah!!!  Be happy!


Mother, Sister, Friend, Real Estate Broker


by Liza C. Szaz | HS 82

Volume 15

“Jesus Christ drew me by a mysterious love with the sole purpose of possessing me and making my heart exclusively His.” ~ St. Marie-Eugenie of Jesus

by Liza C. Szaz | HS 82

It began with a miracle in the form of an invitation to reconnect with former classmates for our Ruby Velada 2022. As I debated with myself on whether to respond, I marveled at how my former classmates had found me in the first place. See, in the decades following our graduation from high school, I had gone my own way, allowing my life to be shaped and dictated by my willfulness. As a result, I had drifted away from Jesus and Mother Mary, and all our beloved alma mater stands for. Metaphorically speaking, I had decided to head out to sea in a tiny excuse for a boat because I thought I knew – and could, do everything. That move was questionable to begin with, seeing as I have a phobia about deep water. And yet because of bad choices, that is exactly where I ended up: stranded amidst a churning sea and without even a paddle to speak of. It was obvious that my plans lacked wisdom.

I spent decades in that tub believing what I would later come to realize were grave errors and serious misconceptions about Jesus. For one, I believed He had abandoned me. For another, I thought I didn’t need Him anyway – ever. Moreover, because of the first two reasons, I doubted He would ever want to save me, let alone love me. Wrong, wrong, and wrong! This is what happens when human motives are applied to our Divine Savior. Yes, He shared in our humanity by becoming one of us, but what I didn’t know at the time was that He has none of our brokenness and taint of sin. And He certainly does not have a single petty bone in His body; this is not a god who engages in tit for tat.

The invitation to join my high school sisters for our Ruby celebration changed all the erroneous beliefs I had been nursing because it set in motion a chain of events that would lead me to Jesus through Mary. So, despite my anxiety, I took the plunge and accepted that invitation – how I had missed these ladies! Four decades is plenty of time for the rollercoaster ride of life to alter people, and often, the old days seem as though they belonged to someone else, especially when seen through the lens of the present. But my worries were swept away by their persistence in trying to locate me, the warmth of their welcome, their generosity, their love; a homecoming like no other. It was only a glimpse at the time, but I could feel Jesus already at work in my life to take me out of the darkness I’d been sitting in. More surprises followed: a gift of pious books, sacramentals, and links to inspirational sites and podcasts shared by concerned friends.  Jesus and Mary were slowly but surely revealing things to me, leading me back to them, back to light, leading me back home.

The road to salvation may not be easy, but the love, mercy, and patience of Jesus and Mary are legendary – and true! At some point, my tiny boat sank and I hit rock bottom. I was desperate for human counsel but…found none. For my good, and by this brief contact with intense desolation, Jesus was teaching me to let go of my intellectual arrogance and pride in self-sufficiency. He did this to make me completely dependent on Him. Mother Mary, tireless in her efforts to keep me within the fold, reacquainted me with her sweetness and constant care for my spiritual health with many silent miracles. These proofs of love and these tender mercies made me realize that even in those decades of darkness, I was never truly alone. Jesus was with me the entire time, even when I was deaf, dumb, and blind to his entreaties to turn to Him, to trust Him, to depend on Him, to love Him. He had never wanted me to head out to sea alone, so He pursued me and scooped me out of that boat when it finally capsized. There is no shame in being rescued or carried, especially when one’s rescuer is Jesus Himself! If someone were to ask me, “What is the one thing you are grateful for and find joy in?” I would reply, “I am grateful Jesus never gave up on me.”

How easy it is to love you, O my Jesus! Why did I ever believe it to be otherwise?
And so…my heart is Yours as Yours is mine. My heart is home at last.

Liza C. Szaz | HS 82

A Dabbler in Arts and Crafts.  A Bookworm. 


Volume 14

Gladys Santiago Zafra reflects on her favorite SME quote and how she lives it in her day-to-day experiences

With twenty years of Assumption education, encountering quotes from St. Marie Eugenie (back then, she was Mother Marie Eugenie) was inevitable. I’ve got a lot of favorites but this one has become closest to my heart.

Through the years, we fulfilled so many roles, including myself. As I always tell people, especially my team, we wear a lot of hats.

As a daughter of my 65-year-old mother, wherein I am an only child, we are growing old together.

Amidst the thinning of patience and countless arguments, at the end of the day, she is my mother. How do I inject positive action into our relationship? By infusing laughter in every argument and sharing our memories through the years. Like I always tell my mom, since my father passed away in 2012, “It’s always you and me”.

As a wife, wherein Anton and I have been married for seven years, yes the “seven-year itch” is real. Amidst the differences and quirks that we personally have, at the of the day, he is my husband and the father of my children. How do I inject positive action into our relationship? By saying “I love you” every day and all the time. Daily tight hugs make so much difference and we do this because it brings a different level of joy and happiness. Normalizing Christ in our conversation and how we talk about conversing with Christ renews our daily faith, which makes the marriage stronger.

As a mother of my two amazing boys, Caio and Chico, they just grow up so fast. For someone like me, who was carefree growing up, I have never felt so worried and anxious for my children. Anxiety has become a part of me and this clouds my positive perspective because reality hits hard.

My firstborn was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. As a mother, my heart just fell to pieces. My second born was born premature, I never felt so scared in my life. Amidst all that has happened to the boys and the uncertainties of the future, at the end of the day, I should be the light to my children. More than the light, it is a call to action for me to raise them with lots of positivity so that they will come up with positive actions in their own spheres as they grow up. But for now, the little things they do make me smile and serve as a recharge for me to be a better person when I get out of the house.

As a Human Resources professional, wherein I have been in the field for 18 years, so much has happened in the workforce environment. It’s a challenging and volatile world, but at the end of the day, I should always put up in front of me WHY I am in this field: To make a difference in people’s lives. In HR, I have never listened so much and imparted a lot of simple words of advice that will bring relief in others day- to-day experiences. My career journey is also my small sphere of influence. As long as we have this mindset, we will strive to be better individuals in the workforce that we are serving.

As a leader, the test of humility has become a way of life. I learned to embrace my vulnerabilities because this is a way for me to get trust and openness from my team. At the end of the day, from my Assumption education, being a leader to my small team of four girls is my own fidelity to duty. How do I impart positive action to my team? I tell my team to be kind, even if it’s not easy and a work in progress.

St. Marie Eugenie’s quote is a mindful effort for me to do positive actions. In all of my roles or all of the hats I wear, this is my way of leaving a legacy to the world.


Loving Wife. Courageous & Happy Mother. Celebrator of Friendship. HR Professional. Positive Culture Supporter.


Volume 13

“We should live more for others if we wish to live for God.” – SME

About 10 years ago, I reconnected with my Assumption roots when I attended a recollection conducted by Mrs. Cory Villafania. That recollection was my “conversion” moment. I then joined the Community of Lay Assumption (CLAY) where we studied the spirituality and charism of St. Marie Eugenie.

As my spirituality deepened, I made the decision to devote the remaining years of my life to God. Inspired by SME’s reflection that “We should live more for others if we wish to live for God”, I was led to do volunteer work at the Philippine General Hospital Chaplaincy. A hypochondriac, I asked God if He was testing me but prayed that He would help me. And He did. When we say “Yes” to God, He give us the grace to serve those He holds closest to His heart.

In my bedside visits to the sick I encounter God every time. I am in awe of the faith and even gratitude of the patients and their family amid their suffering and poverty. By touching the “wounds” of Christ in the charity wards, the Beatitudes become real to me. I see God’s grace at work giving –

Hope to the hopeless;
Joy to those in misery;
Strength to the weak;
Faith to unbelievers;
Spiritual wealth to the poor in spirit.

I have had the privilege to witness miracles of healing and conversions and even God’s surprises.


And by God’s grace, I am able to make a gift of myself – my brokenness becomes grace. My fear of sickness turns into compassion, and I am moved to pray with and embrace the sick. “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20)


By Gina Gamboa Pimentel

Volume 12

As our Batch High School 1983 celebrates its Ruby Jubilee this year, we reflect on whether 40 years out of high school we remain true to the teachings of our beloved Assumption. Have we lived our lives with honor, kindness and courage ? Are the teachings of “fidelity to duty” and “love of simplicity” keeping us ever true.

We say YES and remain grateful to our teachers who made sure that the spirit of the Assumption was very much evident in their teachings and interactions with us. We remember with fondness Sr. Regivic, Sr. G and Sr. Carolina who were strict but always had a twinkle in their eye when they called attention to our naughty behavior. Our Math and Science teachers, Ms. Huab , Ms. Bernas and Ms. Trillanes who made sure that we knew our numbers . Everyone’s favorite — Professor Estrada –who in his well-pressed suit taught Philosophy and Logic to classes of raucous teenage girls who were just happy to rubberneck. We had Ms. Tengonciang and Ms. Ramos to thank for bringing us to Mesopotamia and beyond . Ms. Lim and Ms. Castillo were our English teachers who opened our eyes to Shakespeare and the Classics. To remind us always to be women of faith and agents of change, we had Ms. Casas, Ms. Batacan, Ms. Yogore and Ms. Villafania who patiently accompanied us in our annual retreats and immersions. Of course, there to be sure we had the skills to be good wives and mothers were Ms. Salvatierra [ how to sew a daster] and Ms. Carreon [ how to clean a fish ]. Even before yoga was a thing, we had Ms. Zafra showing us the way to Namaste. These teachers are but a few of those who touched our lives and we thank all our other teachers as well!

We continue to bring these teachings to our current professions and as wives and mothers and are forever thankful to the Assumption for molding us into who we are now…women of faith, women of courage. We are “Proud to be , HS 1983”.

By Gina Gamboa Pimentel
Lawyer. Mother. Batch and Class Representative.
Proud to Be! HS 83

By Maria Caterina Cristina “Mariana” Lopa

Volume 11

Since early childhood, we were taught to respond to a “reward” system where we are generally in control of the outcomes we want – Want to get good grades? Study hard. Want to become a good athlete? Practice. Want mom and dad to be happy? Do your chores. Sooner or later, we incorporate the same belief system in our adult lives. Want to find a good partner? Work on yourself, go on dates. Want to lose weight? Diet. Want to get a good job? Get a good degree, improve your resume.

However, life soon gets in the way and shows us that not all things are within our control. There are so many external factors that surprise us and no matter how hard we try, the outcomes are rarely 100% in our sole power. What, then, should we do? St. Marie Eugenie gives us a guidebook: First, lift up your mind and heart to God. He knows what is best. Second, render him homage and submit to His Will.

It sounds simple but if you are like me, you’ve probable also wondered where the line should be drawn between Free Will and God’s Will. In a discussion with one of my mentors, He encouraged me to study the way Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane:

“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him.
Luke 22:42 – 43 ESV

Ever since then, I have followed this guide in prayer: First, tell God the desires of your heart: “Father, if you are willing,…”Second, despite your wishes, submit to His Will: “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” And like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, if we submit to God’s will as St. Marie Eugenie directs us to, God will give us exactly what we need: “And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him.”

By Maria Caterina Cristina “Mariana” Lopa
AAA Trustee | Lawyer | Sports Advocate
HS Batch 2006

By Ana de Villa – Singson

Volume 10

Whenever my mom visits my home for Christmas, her regular refrain is: “Where is the belen, Ana? It is the heart of Christmas.” Recently, while collating an Assumpta e-album of beautiful Christmas trees heavy with the most ornate and gilded decorations, Sr. Ana Melocoton, RA, asked: “ Where is the belen? Where is the Christ Child? “

How do we find the Christ Child in the frenzy of Christmas 2022? Emboldened by low Covid 19 statistics and excited to be able to greet and hug each other face to face again, we get consumed with buying gifts, wrapping them elaborately, making lists, planning our burgeoning calendars, buying our festive wardrobe. In the maelstrom of our self-created “noise”, there is little time and space for the simplicity, humility and gentleness of the Christ Child.

Many times, I think God speaks to me through my children. While deliberating on gift choices, my eldest son Manuel quietly said, “Gifts don’t always have to be bought, Mom.” Truth and wisdom from the mouth of babes ( well…a 25 year old, 6 ft 1 man who will always be my baby)! I started arguing that we don’t have enough occasions to show how much we appreciate those dear to us. And again, Manuel stumped me with “There are many ways to give a gift.”

And so, I learned from my son. This year, I gave gifts made by my hand: crocheted coasters in pastel colors, pristine white cosies, scented candles, roped baskets, crocheted wrist bags and bento bags. They are gifts from the heart, made lovingly (and sometime painfully) by hand. They are meant to say that during the pandemic, I realized that what counts very much are people who have touched my life and made it better in so many ways. The handmade offerings say that this is me, simple and unadorned, coming to your home without too many trappings but with an abundance of love. This is me trying to spend a little less so I can give a little more where it counts…to those who have nothing for noche buena, those who don’t know where the next meal will come from, those with shoes that barely fit and clothes worn with wear and tear. This is me saying that I have to change in many big ways so that I can quiet the noise of the maelstrom and hear the Christ Child in my heart. He whispers in the stillness …if I can only learn to quiet the heart’s many wayward desires.

There are many ways to give gifts. I would like to be a gift: to pay forward the abundance of undeserved graces and blessings showered on me. And with this hope is a prayer. May the Christ Child teach me. Simplicity. Kindness. Generosity. Forgiveness. Patience. Gentleness. With each small act. With each small step.

Advent. The time of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child. Gaudete! He is here.

By Ana de Villa – Singson
Mother of 2, Trustee, Editor, Advocate, Hobbyist
HS Batch 83 | Proud to be!

Volume 9

To educate is to transform the world.

Among St. Marie Eugenie’s quotes, this one hugs my heart most tightly.

Unlike most of my classmates in Assumption, I come from a middle-class family. Ever since I was a young prep student, my Mama Olive always told me to study hard, get a degree, and aim for the best, because in life, people could take everything away from me, EXCEPT my education. I took that seriously.

Assumption introduced me to some of the most precious people in my life — friends I call sisters, and teachers I call mentors. In school, though not always easy, I learned to:

  • Be a friend
  • Make sense
  • Read and understand before having an opinion
  • Write with artwork-like penmanship
  • Master the art of decision-making
  • Commit to give my best even in the most menial tasks
  • Have courage to speak my mind when necessary
  • Stay curious
  • Believe that nothing is as impeccable as God’s plan and timing
  • Know that the world is big, and there are always people outside my comfort zone who could benefit from all of the above — all that I have and all that I am, if I choose to share. 

Self-awareness and discernment have signaled that I have not been called to be a teacher. (I have many friends who are, though. J) But all throughout my career thus far, the roles I have thrived in often involve educating audiences towards outcomes that positively impact their health, environment, and future.  

My Assumption education has taken me to many places, allowed exciting experiences, and led me to be passionate about helping more people have access to the same quality education, and consequently, life. This is why I joined the Velada committee, and why I continually enjoin our batch to raise funds for the Mission Schools. Because one may not be able to instantly or directly transform the world, but with unique abilities and a sincere heart, one can try.

Annalee Ventura-Carpio
High School Class of 1997
Batch Representative
Wife. Fur Mom. Communications Consultant.
ARMY for life.

Volume 8

Last weekend, our batch recorded our Velada video as Ruby Jubilarians of 2022. This is the 4th time we’ve celebrated our Velada, and every time we do, I see and feel this favorite quote from St Marie Eugenie, LOVE NEVER SAYS I HAVE DONE ENOUGH, in each and everyone of us. The bonding and caring flows out so naturally and sincerely. Whether in Manila or in different parts of the world, online and on-site, from planning to practices to performing to fundraising and donating, everyone puts pause on their daily routines, and shares their time, talents and treasures to live by our batch motto, Quid retribuam Domino? What thanks can I render Thee, Lord?

Pin Cojuangco Guingona
HS 1982

Volume 7

Everyone of us has been given a mission: to bring the Father’s Kingdom into the lives of others. – St. Marie Eugenie

Having a mission in our lives gives us a sense of purpose and direction. It gives us peace and happiness.

As a wife and mother to 5 kids gives me a mission to bring my spouse closer to God, and to raise my kids to be saints – for all of us to get to heaven.  

I used to avoid getting involved in family council and parish activities thinking that I am already busy raising 5 children.  I would keep away from the morning kapihans of parents, and say no to getting asked to be a parent rep.  I would steer clear of certain people in the parish, so as not to be asked to join parish activities. But fast-forward, I now find myself actively serving in our parish, AC BED Family Council and recently the AAA.

I believe it’s God’s Grace that lead me to where I am now, doing what I do.  Organizing spiritual activities for our parish community through the BEC, for Assumption parents through the family council and now serving the alumnae has been a huge blessing.  This process of sharing God’s love to others has been a fun and deeply enriching spiritual journey of my faith.

In our recent recollection, a question was asked on how to raise kids to have a spiritual life.  It was answered by — first and foremost, parents must lead by example.  I hope that this mission given to me by God be the influence and light for my children to strive to be saints.  At the end of our lives, getting to heaven is all that really matters. 

Jenny Silayan – HS 1993.
Jenny is a faith and spirituality advocate, pro baker and culinary entrepreneur.

Volume 6


Saint Marie Eugenie founded the Religious of the Assumption in 1839.   She was a visionary who believed that society and the world could be transformed through education; in particular, the education of young women from the elite families of France. Her world then was indeed too small for her love, yet, as a visionary she saw what could be … an Assumption, almost two hundred years later,  spread out around the world in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

LOVE NEVER SAYS I HAVE DONE ENOUGH and as products of her vision and the Assumption education, we are imbued with her spirit. Whether as new graduates, young jubilarians, or recent golden jubilarians like me, there is always more to do and be done. We chose two mottos as High School graduates, CARITAS CHRISTI URGET NOS and LOVE CONQUERS ALL.  It is the love of Christ that inspires us and prods us on .. at first within the confines of our family, then the community,  country, and beyond. In small ways for me, but in grander and more noble ways for others, we heed Marie Eugenie’s call as she asked of us and we BRING OUR STONES TO THE EDIFICE, her edifice … that of the Assumption.

Charo Nieto Climente | HS 1969

Volume 5

The onslaught of COV-19 and other natural calamities like Typhoon Odette has caused so much pain, suffering, and anxiety. We may ask ourselves why the Lord allowed all these evil happenings. You may agree or disagree with me, but perhaps there is a strong message behind all these. the world has become materialistic where money, power, and self interests have become priorities in life, at the expense of causing suffering to many people, and destroying traditional values that bind unity in families and societies. Personally, I think that in this pandemic and in the many calamities, the Lord is asking us to empty our vessels of blessings and love and reach out to share LOVE to the world. Spreading LOVE brings a more positive aura and freshness to the world, a powerful force and panacea to fight the evil in this world. LOVE gives HOPE and REBIRTH to our aging planet.

True enough, we have seen countess people giving of themselves in service to care for the sick the dying the unemployed and all affected by the pandemic and calamities. Many have returned to a deeper prayer life where they once again experience God’s love and care.

When we count our blessings, we experience the love of God and His generosity. St Marie Eugenie urges us to share this love by generously giving of ourselves in service to others, even in the smallest way, in our homes, community, environment, and country. Touching lives with LOVE and HOPE is our legacy to future generations.


Today, my inner gaze is fixed on You Lord Jesus!

I have received sad news of the death of a friend, a disciple from BLD community in Los Angeles and sorrow has filled my heart.  But at the same time, I also received  news “of a brother and another sister” who I have been intensely praying for … and I rejoice in the good news of the negative test results for covid.  Truly your healing love brings good News! 🌼
When I ponder on life and death issues,  I just want to thank you Lord Jesus for your tender eyes and Sacred Heart that calm me from fear and anxieties, giving me a chance to hope against hope .🔥

At Mass this morning, when the Holy Bread and Wine, Body and Blood were raised at Consecration, You assured me that I belong to You … and  all the souls I lift up are safe in You. ❤️🙏

The words of St MarieEugenie are also mine.  ”You have chosen me, I come from you, I am going to You.”

I include my brothers and sisters in the Clay community and all the communities I serve, the Sisters of the Assumption congregation, friends in Christ, my beloved family,  the world in the  Potter’s hand. 🌎
You are my true joy in life, my Prize, my Treasure … I am your beloved … You are mine … I will  be totally immersed in You forever 🙏🙏🙏❤️🔥🕊🕊🕊 Amen!

A Rose praying with St Marie Eugenie

Volume 4

By Pilar “Ginny” Brion Garza


Meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the 4th and 5th Mysteries in particular, it occurred to me that while most of us have meditated a lot on the Passion of Jesus while praying, perhaps not many of us have given sufficient thought to the fact that Jesus could have, at any time, asked His Father to stop what was happening.

One word from Him would have been enough for a host of angels to come to His side.  Their visible presence alone would have silenced the crowd and scattered the soldiers; leaving the Priests and Pharisees cowering in fear. Then the angels would have borne Jesus away to a place where His wounds could have been tended to, His strength restored.

But Jesus never uttered one word in His defense, nor any words of recrimination against His tormentors. Neither did He ask for a single second of reprieve from His sufferings, even if only to catch His breath.

Why? Because Love alone was not enough (after all, we had already ignored the freely-given love of the Father!)

Love in action was necessary. Serious, gut-wrenching, heart-wrenching suffering, where every agonizing step was a prayer, every drop of blood an offering, every word a blessing … for us, His beloved.

And yet …

Yes, “and yet”, here we are, our lives torn asunder by the pandemic, wars in every corner of the world, still lost, still wandering in the desert of our sins.

So … what now? Is it all darkness? Is there no hope for us?


To give in to frustration, to despair, to fear, would be like telling God “I can love no more,” and turning your back on Jesus’ sacrifice.

I know all this, and yet, my soul struggles to keep my love going. Then, in my struggles, I hear His voice: “I thirst.”

I know then what He is asking of me, of all of us.

All He asks for in return for His boundless, unconditional Love is a pittance of our Love to slake His thirst. By itself, it will never be enough, but bound with His Love, our meager efforts at loving will spread beyond the reach of our arms, of our imaginations, and of our time on earth.

St. Marie Eugenie took this to heart, encouraging her communities to turn to Christ,allowing Him to “give them the energy for one more effort”1 and to “teach them that love never says ‘that is enough.’”1 Indeed, her own life was one of continuously giving more of herself to others for God, until, in her final infirmity, she had “nothing more to do except to be good.”2

I now know why I will never be able to say that “I have done enough”. It is the Assumption way; it taught me, it taught us, that Love has no end!

Pilar “Ginny” Brion Garza is proudly from Herran Class ’70. She graduated as the Class Valedictorian.

Volume 3

By Socorro “Cory” O. Villafania

Last October 2, 2021, when Sr. Rekha, Superior General of the Religious of the Assumption, had her virtual conversation with Assumption Together, something  she said  really struck me:  “ If you feel pain, you are ALIVE;  if you feel the pain of others and are moved to do something, you are HUMAN;  if you feel that what you are doing to lessen the pain of others is not enough, you are SONS and DAUGHTERS of ST. MARIE EUGENIE.”

What a way to explain the Foundress’ saying “Love never says it is enough”!  Love does not rest;  there is always something more that we can do.  Just when we think we can pat ourselves on the shoulders for having spent almost forty years in educating the young, we discover that more of our children do not even know how to read.  Just when we feel we have worked long enough and hard enough in defending human rights, we wake up to the reality that those who have studied the law are the very ones who violate the rights of the poor and the helpless.

“Love never says it is enough”  is complemented by another saying of St. Marie Eugenie, namely,  “Our life must be a constant ‘yes’ to God.”  We are called to constantly seek God and His will in the daily and the ordinary.  This means that we must not only make time for prayer where we focus on God, on spiritual things, and on the favors we want to ask from HIm;   we need to build and nurture a prayer life that is rooted in a vibrant relationship with God.  WeLISTEN to Him and fall in love with Him because He is LOVE HIMSELF, and realize thatten minutes with Him is never really enough!

When we look at JESUS who fed thousands of hungry people, taught them tirelessly about the Reign of God, healed the sick and touched the lepers, restoring them to their proper place in society; when He forgave sinners and dined with tax collectors, making them all feel they were PERSONS and that they belonged to the Kingdom without exception; when He chose ordinary, unschooled men whom He loved as brothers and to whom He entrusted the mission…all that would have been the achievement of a lifetime, but “love never says it is enough”.  Not everyone was pleased with Jesus.  Those in authority  were scandalized by the WAY and the DEGREE to which He loved the people they considered detestable. Most of all, they were gravely insulted when Jesus cleansed the Temple of the money-changers who were victimizing the poor with their corrupt practices and turning the house of God into a “den of thieves”. Those in authority were angered because they were part of the corruption.

The rest is history.  It was not enough for Jesus to show God’s compassion through the good that he had done. Even in the darkness of spirit, He chose to be faithful to the Father and His mission of salvation.  He continued “to choose the Kingdom” and “refused to respond to sin with sin” (Rausch, SJ, Who Is Jesus?).   He freely accepted His death as part of His life and ministry.  Jesus was the perfect YES to God.

Jesus was the Center of St. Marie Eugenie’s life.  Is it any wonder that she also experienced many “deaths” in her mission?  As she learned to love the way Jesus loved, she also discovered that there is no diminishment in loving;  there is only a BECOMING MORE and a GIVING MORE.    Her daily  YES to God moved her to go BEYOND ENOUGH with “A PASSION for GOD and A PASSION for PERSONS” !

St.  Marie Eugenie of Jesus, pray for us. 

Socorro “Cory” O. Villafania was an Assumption educator for 39 years. She taught Assumptionists from June 1972 – March 2011.


Volume 2

By Ana Casas

I have many favorite and inspiring saying of St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus, but for now I choose to reflect on this:

“Only in Jesus, His glory, His Love – let all the rest go by without disturbing my peace.”

–St Marie Eugenie of Jesus

Through all the challenges of life that I faced, Jesus was always there for me.

As a young mother with 6 small children, as a neophyte Religion teacher struggling to make Jesus known and loved to HS seniors, through a difficult marriage, through major surgery and illnesses, Jesus was always near.

When faced with problems that I was at a loss to handle, I would throw myself in Jesus’ arms and surrender to His Will. Somehow my Crosses became lighter and I would be able to cope. For example, when cash was lacking for the children’s tuition, they would be offered scholarships! When I had major surgery followed by a procedure that cost a humongous amount (at least for me), miraculously, there was money to pay! No need for a loan!

Jesus has always been my Shield, my Refuge, my Rock, my Deliverer! With Him by my side, I don’t “sweat the small stuff.” I live by what St. Marie Eugenie says,

“Only in Jesus, His glory, His love –

Let all the rest go by without disturbing my peace.”

-St Marie Eugenie of Jesus

Ana Casas, “Tita Ana” to her numerous CLE students, is from High SChool Class 1955. She was with the Assumption High School Academe from 1966 – 1996 and started teaching Religion / CLE in 1975. She was with the Assumption College Administration from 1996- 2004. She is much loved by her students.

Volume 1


As we go through life, the Lord speaks to us from where we are.

In these later years, the Lord is calling me to be like cotton — light, airy, insignificant, almost nothing. Yet, it is able to absorb weight, blows and even prevent damage.

With prayer, I hope to empty myself of false pride and self-centeredness, and instead choose to be a peacemaker and an understanding, loving person.

In all humility, Lord, fill me with Your presence and love so I may be more like You — loving, kind and caring to those around me.

Marge Tambunting is a 2020 Diamond Jubilarian of High School Class 1960. She was the AAA President in 1988 -1989.