AAA's 2023 President’s Year End Report

Good Afternoon, everyone! A warm hello to all the Assumption Sisters, to our College President, Dra Ola Regala, to all Alumnae joining us today and most specially to our celebrating Jubilarians of 2023! WELCOME HOME.


It is so wonderful to be celebrating Old Girls’ Day! LIVE, AND IN PERSON!  It is so perfect that this year’s Velada theme is A CELEBRATION!! 

This year’s Homecoming is special because of what happened in the past (3) three years.  At the height of the pandemic, we were all forced to adjust and maneuver our lives and still managed to have meaningful and entertaining Velada celebrations.


This year, we are coming home to our Alma Mater for the first face-to-face celebration.  It is a time for all of us to connect and reconnect with our fellow OLD Girls,  A time for us to reflect on and embrace the teachings of our foundress, St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus.

But before we get to the much anticipated Velada, let me give everyone an update of our very eventful year.


As many of you may be aware this portion of the program also serves as the Annual General Membership meeting of the AAA.   So let me share with you some figures on the year that has passed and some activities that are still on-going.

In 2022, we disbursed a total of P7,951,384.78.  This is broken down as follows:


P591,384.78 – 2901 Noche Buena Packs

P20,000.00 – PPCRV

P40,000.00 – B2B Work-ship night

P85,000.00 – Corazon Atayde Memorial Foundation

P1,000,000.00 – AC Endowment Fund

P6,215,000.00 – Pie Distribution

The biggest amount disbursed is called the PIE DISTRIBUTION, and is broken down to our different beneficiaries as follows:


P 500,000.00 – Assumption College

P4,215,000.00 – (AEDEV) Assumption Educational Development Fund, This is where the 8 mission schools or centers for transformative education fall under

P 500,000.00 – (AMA) Associate Missionaries of the Assumption

P 500,000.00 – (MEI) Marie Eugenie Institute, Inc

P 500,000.00 – (MRMF) Mother Rosa Memorial Foundation

Speaking of Centers for transformative education, We have some fantastic news, after a lengthy process of discernment, the sisters and their communities has declared Xavier de Kibangay High School in Lampatan, Bukidnon as “Mission Accomplished”.  This means that the sisters have fulfilled their mission and that this school can independently work on their own by continuing their mission of transformative education. The Assumption sisters were asked to administer this school in 1998.  The same year our silver jubilarian’s graduated HS, exactly 25 years ago.  It’s the only Catholic school in the area and the AAA is very happy to be a small part of this endeavor – your generous donations really went a long way.  Let’s give the Assumption Sisters and ourselves a big round of applause.

FYI, the Pie is always funded by the previous year’s Jubilarians.  So this year’s PIE is funded through the tireless efforts and generous hearts of the 2022 Jubilarians.  Here they are in order of their year,



2022 Jubialrian Donations


P1,997,000.00 – 1997 – Silver

P 250,000.00 – 1992 – Pearl

P 335,000.00 – 1987 – Jade

P 1,000,000.00 – 1982 – RUBY

P 300,000.00 – 1977 – SAPPHRIE

P 1,065,000.00 – 1972 – GOLD

P 200,000.00 – 1967 – EMERALD

P 350,000.00 – 1962 _ DIAMOND

P 50,000.00 – 1957 – BLUE DIAMONDS



Again, Thank you 2022 JUBILARIANS for your generous donations.

Communicating with all the different Batches has been a breeze because of the  BATCH REPS COMMITTEE and the very active representatives per batch. We continued with our club-bing activities that everyone loves like the ever popular crocheting and a lot of fattening delicious cooking and baking activities, which was not only fun but learning new skills as a community is also very socially rewarding. We will also have our OUTREACH CLUB starting in November, Teaching English Familiarization to Grade 5 students of San Juan Nepomuceno School in Malibay. Please come and join us and be a part of this very transformative program.

Our COLLEGE ALUMNAE COMMITTEE once again facilitated elections for their batch reps and we had an AAA ORIENTATION for our College Graduates.  We are also happy to have college silver batch 1998 joining our celebration today.

The CHAPTERS COMMITTEE has, for the second year in a row, reached out to our alumnae across the seas, to host the ST. MARIE EUGENIE ROSARY Over 4 Saturdays this October.  Old Girls from Europe, The US, Canada, Australia and Asia, has volunteered to take part in this!

The FAITH & SPIRITUALITY COMMITTEE has initiated several activities throughout the year. We invited all alumnae to actively take part in masses, Rosaries, recollections and the SME KWENTUHAN SESSIONS plus An INFO SESSION to learn more about all our different Beneficiaries.

The WEBSITE COMMITTEE continue to provide us with inspiring and heartwarming articles or features of Old Girls in its editions.  This year, we started to ask several batches to “sponsor” some editions and highlight deserving classmates and/or causes.

The most sought after fundraiser was brought back after 4 years of pandemic, the 22nd annual AAA Golf tournament. It was held at the aspirational Sta Elena Golf and country club last August 14 and we  welcomed 182 golfers, the most participants we have ever had for golf.  As sr. Ana coined it – What happened today was a miracle that it was raining everywhere except in Sta. Elena.  Truly a miracle! Thank you Sister Ana and Sister JO whose presence helped make it the perfect day for golf.


And for the Shoppers, we are bringing our annual Bazaar back!!!  This will be held in SM Aura SMX on Nov 11 &12!  We have a lot of old and new vendors for you to enjoy so hope to see you all there!

And last but not the least, THE NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE OR NOMELEC, encouraged alumnae across the board to take part in the electoral process of voting for 5 of your 2024 trustees.

With that, we are quite excited to announce the results of the 2023 online elections. But first an overview of this year’s voter turnout:














Without further ado, in alphabetical order, AAA’S NEW BOARD MEMBERS ARE:








CONGRATULATIONS to the newest board members!  The board looks forward to working with you next year.


My deepest thanks as well to the entire 2023 BOARD OF TRUSTEES, especially the unstoppable committee heads without whom none of this year’s activities would have come to completion. A shoutout appreciation to our office mainstays, ARLENE HOMBREBUENO, ROSE OCAMPO AND JOANNA STUART who are the back bone of the AAA.

And lastly, my sincerest gratitude to you all, the alumnae!  Without your generosity and willingness to help and serve, even in the smallest of ways – has come a long way.  Together, we can make a BIG difference, you are all indeed “WOMEN OF ACTION”!


In our preparation leading up to this weekend’s celebration, we all needed to learn and relearn new things.  The AAA worked tirelessly with the celebrating Jubilarians who were hard at work to make sure that the Velada is a success.


We appreciate the excitement and enthusiasm of all of you in wanting to celebrate and honor their school by being present.  But due to safety reasons we could not accommodate everyone.  While we all would like to witness the Velada presentations, the Mother Rose Auditorium has limited capacity.  The list of Assumption Alumnae is growing, but our venue is not.  This is the very reason why we suggested to still have live streaming to adjust to our growing community.  We appeal to your good graces to support us with your cooperation, understanding and suggestions, and adapting to the changing times to make sure that our celebration of this velada and those in the years to come will be a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.


And now, it’s time to CELEBRATE new beginnings, celebrate how precious life is, celebrate and hold dear what matters most to us, AND celebrate coming home!!!


To quote the Silver jubilarians: “To celebrate the gift of friendship, love and life and to accelerate education, moving forward from the pandemic”

This VELADA is your Triumph, to come together and interact in person.  It is indeed a time to Celebrate!  Happy Old girls’ day to all and congratulations again to the 2023 jubilarians!  I am sure we are in for a wonderful Velada!


Thank you! All Hail!