By Ria de Villa – Montelibano

AD…Assumption Day. How did ours go in Bacolod? Thankfully, splendidly!


On May 05, I messaged Sr Ana Melocoton, RA, “Sr Ana, Tita Lou said that the plan to install the icon of St Marie Eugenie in Bacolod is a go. She asked me to write a letter of request to the Provincial Superior, Sr. Lerma. And btw, how do we obtain the icon? Tita Lou said to coordinate with you, we will need your help!!”. Thus began a series of communication and AC San Lo visits with our dear Sr. Ana, soon after Tita Lourdes de Leon, AAA Bacolod Chapter President, decided that for Assumption Day 2024, the icon of our beloved St. Marie Eugenie of Jesus should have a permanent place in Bacolod.

The AAA Bacolod Chapter board members agreed that the perfect place for the icon would be at the Sacred Heart Seminary. It is where our Assumption Seminary Apostolate (ASA) English Conversation classes are held every Thursday, 27 years and going strong. The rector, Very Rev.

Fr. Ruel Jundos, who was in Rome when we asked permission, gave his blessing immediately. By proximity, every batch of our student seminarians, henceforth, would be drawn closer to our Mother Foundress, whom they know of through our conversation classes, fostering a faithful affection that will grow in their hearts, a source of inspiration for their future priestly ministry.

The ball then rolled full speed ahead! Sr. Ana requested a high-resolution image of SME from

Sr. Veronique Thiebaut,RA,  the Religious of the Assumption Archivist at the Mother House in Auteuil, Paris. Upon receiving, Sr. Ana, had the image blown up on canvas by the ‘suki’ of Sr. Fe Emmanuel, RA, in Quiapo. And by July 16, the icon arrived in our City of Smiles.

With purpose and excitement, we headed to the frame shop owned by the son of an Old Girl, who gave us a much-needed discount for the Baroque style frame. We had stampitas printed which not only include the prayer of SME, but also the symbolisms of the icon. We got a very good price for an altar table from a leading local furniture manufacturer owned by a like-hearted lady. As you may surmise, ours is not a cash-rich chapter in association funds, but if rich can be defined by dedication and a deep love for St. Marie Eugenie’s three great loves — Jesus, Mama Mary and the Church — then ours is an exceedingly wealthy chapter, indeed.

Groups of Old Girls were queuing to take pics with the SME icon


 A very wonderful, and unexpected treat was that our student seminarians learned to sing the Assumpta est Maria! Sem. Ricky Minerva, a very talented, musical seminarian, painstakingly put together the musical score. Tita Lourdes de Leon, Tita Daday Melocoton, Maridel Rivero and I happened to be at the seminary to prep the area for the SME icon, when I heard them singing. Of course I stopped by to sing along. Goose bumps, I tell you! What an amazing tribute to Mama Mary. The seminarians’ version was different from the sound of the sweet, angelic voices of my ‘Quid Retribuam Domino’-Batch in San Lo. Theirs was beautiful as well, a timbre full of bass and strength.

And then, just like that, it was August 15. All the adrenalin that kept the work teams of our Chapter going came to a head on Assumption Day. The Old Girls of Bacolod trooped in for the 3pm mass, wearing our new edition vibrant violet Assumption Bacolod shirts. Each one knew that this year would be extra special because not only were we celebrating a very great Solemnity, but also the newly installed icon of our Mother Foundress at the Sacred Heart Seminary Chapel would be blessed, the first SME icon to be installed in a consecrated place of worship in Bacolod.

The immensely meaningful Eucharist presided by the Bishop of Bacolod, Most Rev. Patricio Buzon, SDB, DD, together with priests from the Diocesan hierarchy and several ASA ‘alumni’ priests, the presence of our student seminarians, the great turnout of Old Girls, ASA Titas, family and friends, all synergized into an awesomely momentous occasion. Filled with the hope of the Assumption, our takeaways were an even deeper trusting love for Jesus, to whom we surrender all, a greater awareness of Mama Mary’s presence in our lives, through whose powerful intercession we experience His mercy, and a stronger commitment to the Church where we are beloved daughters doing our best for the family of God.


And that’s a wrap for the Bacolod Chapter! Still basking in AD afterglow, we continue to love and serve in this our little sphere.

Old Girls with seminary formators
Merienda socials. The new Vocation Mascot of the Diocese kicked it up a notch!