Nena Feria-Fule, HS69, Col73

What do you think you can contribute if elected to the Board as a Trustee?


Hello, everyone! I’m Nena, affectionately known as ‘Cousin Nena’ by my fellow Board members. My journey with AAA has been anchored in numbers and faith. As the longtime treasurer, I’ve quietly managed our finances, ensuring stability and dependability. You see, I’m not one for making a fuss or noise—I prefer to let my work speak for itself. But my unwavering faith is where my heart truly lies. Each day, I join my batch from HS 1969/College 1973 in our rosary devotion. It’s my way of offering prayers for others, especially when they face illness or misfortune. And during our AAA Christmas party, as we bid farewell to trustees completing their terms, I shared a heartfelt good-bye. Assumption means everything to me—I love this institution deeply. Now, I’m ready to serve again, bringing my generous spirit and commitment to the forefront.


What advocacy have you been a part of and what was your role and contribution?


As a proud member of HS Class ’69, I’ve been actively involved in several meaningful initiatives. When the pandemic struck in March 2020, our class rallied together. We started a daily rosary Viber group, praying for everyone in need—especially those affected by COVID-19. Our unwavering commitment to this practice continues to this day.


But that’s not all. We sponsor Healing Masses for sick classmates and their families, offering solace and support during challenging times. And during the pandemic, our class contributed to community pantries, ensuring that those facing hardships received essential supplies.


Education is close to our hearts. We’ve sponsored three scholars at Assumption College (AC) and additional scholars in Baguio. Our fundraising projects have allowed us to support mission schools, making education accessible to more students.


In our class, I’ve taken on the role of collector and safekeeper of our funds. It’s an honor to serve in this capacity, ensuring transparency and accountability.


And yes, you guessed it—I also wear the hat of our batch representative. Bridging connections and fostering collaboration among alumni is a joy. Thank you all for the many years of service!


What was your most important learning from your Assumption education?

My Assumption education instilled in me two invaluable principles: fidelity to duty and love of simplicity. These timeless values have profoundly shaped my life, extending far beyond the classroom.

Fidelity to duty reminds me of the importance of commitment—to responsibilities, to others, and to myself. Whether it’s fulfilling my role as treasurer for AAA or supporting my family, this sense of duty grounds me. It’s about showing up consistently, even when the spotlight isn’t on me.

And then there’s love of simplicity. In a world that often celebrates complexity and excess, Assumption taught me the beauty of simplicity. It’s in the quiet moments of prayer, the genuine connections with loved ones, and the appreciation for life’s small joys. Simplicity keeps me centered and grateful.

These lessons aren’t confined to academic walls; they permeate my relationships. With family, I strive for fidelity—to be there when needed, to listen, and to love unconditionally. And simplicity? It’s the warmth of shared meals, laughter, and heartfelt conversations.

As fellow alumnae, we carry these values forward, weaving them into the fabric of our lives. So, thank you, Assumption, for shaping not just my mind but also my heart.