Anya Katigbak-Cajucom, HS89, Col93

What do you think you can contribute if elected to the Board as a Trustee?


Using my professional background, I can contribute to the board thru executional support for various programs to encourage support from our AAA members and the greater Assumption community.


What advocacy have you been a part of and what was your role and contribution?


I am part of the Board of Trustee of Maryville Urban Development Foundation as Treasurer.


What was your most important learning from your Assumption education?


What I learned most from Assumption is that Education is only 1/4th of the equation.  Important is character formation and social responsibility.  The courage to speak and hold your integrity in the highest regard but with a heart of service.  Then we let go and let God.  I have been through challenges throughout my life, and my faith gave me the courage to charge on – whatever the outcome. 😊  Faith at the end of the day should be the driving force in our lives.  I would always say Our Faith should be stronger than our Fears.