by  Ana de Villa- Singson  | Proud to Be!  HS 1983!

Ana de Villa-Singson

CHRISTMAS.  Have you ever wondered about the etymology of the word?  “According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the word Christmas originates from the phrase “Cristes Maesse”, first recorded in 1038, which means the Mass of Christ or Christ’s Mass.” Christmas then celebrates the Eucharist, symbollic of Christ’s death and resurrection to save mankind, giving meaning to Emmanuel…God with us.


God with us.  He is always with us.  But are we always with Him?  Do we walk his path and shine light on His face with our daily actions and thoughts?  Christmas is the the time to reflect and review and to rechart our course if needed.  Have we shown Christ’s love, forgiveness, patience, hope, generosity and compassion in 2024? What did we not do throughout the year to better bring Christ’s Mass to our homes and to others’ homes and lives? And if not, how can we be better instruments of Christ in 2025?

It has been a busy time for the AAA.  And through each activity, we tried to live up to Christ’s Mass and Emmanuel. We celebrated Velada in October!  And the multi-colored jewels shone radiantly on stage.  But when the lights were dimmed and the curtains went down, the bonds of friendships forged in our school and tested through time were made even stronger.  The love and empathy for each other, surely that is testament to Christmas.  We elected new officers in October, women whose faith and passion for action will be tested and exhibited in the coming years.  Their engagement will help scholars, teachers, communities nationwide.  That is Christmas. We had our 26th AAA Annual Bazaar in November.  We braved a storm and continued in our heritage of presenting curated items for the home or for gift-giving.  All earnings fund Mission School needs throughout the country.  Surely, that too is Christmas.


Christmas is celebrated in December.  But to truly celebrate it, its message should be broadcast loud and clear throughout the year, in everything we do.  Christ is with us.  Are we with Him? 


A little prayer.  May everyday of 2025 be Christmas.  With God with us, there is no quarrel that cannot be brokered into peace, there is no anger that cannot be calmed into understanding, there is no challenge that cannot be broken into little manageable pieces, there is no question left unanswered by our faith.


Emmanuel…God with us!  Are you with Him?

As a gift to all of you, let me share 2 videos of a  beautiful event  that my family stumbled upon.  A few days before Christmas, in Lyon, France, while with my boys ( Noel my husband and darling sons Manuel and Gaby) we chanced upon the Fete de Lumiere ( Festival of Lights) in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Fourvière Hill.  The festival dates back to 1852 when the statue of the Blessed Virgin was enshrined in the Cathedral.  We chanced upon the light festival  on the way to dinner in Bullé, a lovely (yummy) restaurant overlooking Notre Dame Fourvière.  A 10 minute light show was played on the Cathedral’s façade, drawing breaths of awe and wonder from everyone watching.  I hope you feel the majesty, the grandeur and awe that I did while watching that fantastical light show in Fourvière. 

May Christ’s Mass be with you every minute and everyday of 2025!

All Hail!