High School 1992

I am a wife, mother, daughter, sibling, cousin, friend, boss and colleague. In all the hats that I wear, I do my best to fulfill my role. I always look for ways to be of service to others and live a life of prayer, faith and action in my own little way.

Q: What activities do you think can be introduced to benefit alumnae and AC Mission Schools? 

A: A couple of months ago, my batchmates and I visited Assumpta Technical School to donate computers, health kits and books, as well as run several activities for the students and teachers. We had a medical and dental mission for the students, did reading and art activities with the kids as they waited for their turn, and a literacy program / teacher training for the English Department.  These were much appreciated by the school, especially when our batchmate offered to continue working with them to improve their Reading Curriculum. I believe such activities can also benefit the other AC Mission Schools. We can go further by conducting Needs Analysis prior to running the programs. This way, we can tailor the programs to the schools’ specific needs and create more sustainable plans: do they need more material assistance? skills and knowledge training? etc. These identified needs can then be arranged in a calendar and offered to the alumnae. I believe a lot of alumnae want to give back to the AC Mission Schools but may think monetary donation is the only way. Through this, they can choose from a variety of ways to share their gifts, may it be time, talent, and/or resources.

Q:  What are 1-2 key learnings from your Assumption education that molded you into the woman you are now?

A: One of the key learnings that I have gained from my Assumption education is to be a woman of action. Faith and prayer are important, but it is equally important to walk the talk and reflect goodness through what we say and do. May it be in dealing with friends or family, colleagues and clients, or even strangers, I always try my best to do what is good and to extend whatever help I can give. Assumption has also taught me that as a woman of action, I should not be afraid to speak up and lead others.

Q:  What achievement are you most proud of and why?

A: I am most proud of raising my sons to be fine young adults. Balancing work and family life, and everything in between, is not easy. Just seeing that my 2 boys are doing well, and knowing that I (together with my husband) am able to provide for them, and that I have somehow contributed to who they are now gives me a sense of joy and pride.