School Head / Pre-School Teacher
Licensed Teacher

1. Give us an example of a goal you’ve set and how you achieved it.

A goal that I set for myself was to have my own preschool. I achieved this by being dedicated, preserving and working hard towards the things that would help be successful in my chosen field. I set a plan to help me reach my goal and prepared myself for the possible hardships that I would face. I made each
challenge an inspiration to better myself and to improve in the way I think and handle things. I learned that achieving my goal involves both my mind and heart. I cannot just want to achieve something, but I have to think of realistic, logical, and possible ways to get to where I want to be. By setting goals for myself, I also learned to work with others and learn with and from them. I learned that when we work with others and learn from and with them, we are able to have new perspectives on things. It helps us see things in a new light and have even more creative and passionate ways to achieve our goals.

2. Do you have any suggestions on how we can help our beneficiaries?

I think that helping our beneficiaries should be beyond providing material and monetary help. I think we should also give focus on the growth and development of our young beneficiaries, children and students. In our world today, these young individuals need more holistic formations. Formation activities that touch hearts and minds and help mold them into responsible, God-fearing individuals. We can help them build a more solid foundation of
their faith and relationship with God. We can do this by giving simple talks or teaching them more about the Catholic faith. By doing so, we can better guarantee that as they go through life, they can be more responsible not only for themselves but for their families and communities as well. It is in this hope that we prepare them for a life of success rooted in Christ through the love, generosity and support of others and their own sense of being a child of God. It will help us develop better Filipino citizens who are able to think outside of themselves and care and nurture others as well.

3. What did you learn about yourself from the pandemic?

The sudden onset of the pandemic really changed how people lived. At first, it was quite difficult to adjust and learn to live in the new normal. With the continuous changes that happened during the pandemic, I learned that I can be resilient and adaptable. I needed to learn how to go with the flow and not expect things to happen the way that I wanted them to. I learned that I can be more open to learning new things and to be able to adapt to what is happening. I learned to appreciate living in the now, and not worry so much about the past or the future.