Has more than 2 decades worth of
experience in the Freight Logistics
Industry with focus in Sales and
Business Development.

1. Give us an example of a goal you’ve set and how you achieved it.

One of the goals I’ve always wanted to achieve is for me to establish a consistent routine that will lead to me achieving Work-Life-Health balance. I’ve realized that a goal is something that you have to want really bad, and remains only a dream unless you have a plan. And when family, work or the career you are led to becomes more than just a job to you, you push yourself to be the best you can be and show up at your best and strongest. With this goal in mind, I did my best and continue to push myself to establish a consistent exercise routine that has led me to set the tone for my day and has rewarded me with more energy to get through the various responsibilities and commitments I need to complete as a fulltime mom to a 14 year old son and housemate and daughter to Senior Parents with a fulltime job. I realized how I’ve become more forgiving of myself and just strive to show up even during days when I do not feel like it and have come to accept that every small win indeed goes a long way. I will never forget what I learned from my legendary theology teacher in college, Fr. Adolfo Dacanay SJ who has imparted to us how good habits make a persons character and so as we continue to set goals, we could all but hope that we develop the right habits and plans that will help lead us to achieving what we set our minds and hearts to.

2. Do you have any suggestions on how we can help our beneficiaries?

One suggestion I have in mind in case this isn’t in place is to assist our beneficiaries by connecting them with alumnae who could assist them in developing their careers even after they have graduated. I believe many of the alumnae who represent various specialties and fields of industry, whether as entrepreneurs, business owners or top management decision makers if only connected well to our beneficiaries can help with their career placements according to skill and industry that could help further their experience as they pave the way for their future outside of the Assumption mission schools.

3. What did you learn about yourself from the pandemic?

As I look back at the pandemic, I see the 3 R’s surface during this period no one saw coming.

First R is Resourcefulness at its very best as not only my recipe and common sense based cooking skills have come out but also being resourceful in terms of ensuring that our household is stocked with our basic needs, ensuring that our office and staff practice standard precautions as we were fortunate enough to be allowed to work onsite months after the lockdown.

The 2 nd R is Resilience as I realized that the Lord has prepared me to adjust to the pandemics limitations years prior given series of events that have tested my ability to adjust to uncomfortable and challenging situations. It was during the pandemic that my extrovert introverted self did unimaginable things to ensure that I can continue to fulfill my work tasks and one of which is adapting to a different kind of selling style which allowed me to promote the services our company offers through an online platform. It was also during this time that me and my High school batchmates were able to put together our Velada program, and simultaneously raise funds for our Silver year.

Last R but not the least is Reliance on His faithfulness, provision and mercies and finding myself believing in my heart that all this too shall pass.