2022 Diamond Jubilarians

Sixty years ago, in March 1962, seventy-four of us received our HS Diplomas from our Commencement Guest of Honor, Rev. Federico Escaler. We marched out of the cloistered grounds of Assumptions Convent Herran full of hope as we set our sights on the horizon of the promise of tomorrow.

We brought with us, values inculcated in us by our Alma Mater. To be

  • Steadfast with our commitments
  • Fearless in the face of adversity;
  • Discerning every moment;
  • Championing Faith always
  • Selfless in all undertakings

We went through the process of choosing our preferred course and where to hurdleour tertiary education and more. We explored and experienced many opportunities and adventures. We baby boomers got married and raised lovely families except for two batchmates, a lawyer and an architect who opted for blessed singleness. As expected, no one entered the convent because we had a reputation of being a naughty class.

As the years went by, we were met with a mix of challenges, achievements, trials and successes. In the midst of all these challenges, we adapted with sheer purpose and determination to overcome the roadblocks. Summing it up, all seventy-four endured. Through 60 years, we have eleven who had to go and are now looking down on us, helping and assisting us in spirit as we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee Year.

ACHS ‘62, aside from crafting a well-prepared Video Presentation for Velada 2022, has come up with two (2) keepsakes:

  • A STORYBOOK on how we, as a Class, embraced JOY in our lives; and
  • IVORY-like Images (choice of either the Sto. Nino or Our Lady of Smiles)

    For our culminating activity, we are embarking on a Diamond 2022 Commemorative Travel to celebrate 60 years of Love and Friendship.

With great joy, we introduce ourselves . . .

The Diamond 2022 Ladies of Assumptions Convent Herran . . . gorgeous, fulfilled

CHAMPIONS, sparkling like Diamonds

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