By Mariana Lopa | HS 2006

As an Assumption Girl through and through, women empowerment has always been at the core of my being. Moreover, as a student-athlete myself (I played basketball for Assumption and was awarded an athletic scholarship in Ateneo),  I recognized the soft skills that I learned from sports and how they helped me in a cutthroat and male-dominated legal profession. That’s why when I was invited to be part of Girls Got Game some 7 years ago, it was an instant yes.

Since 2015, I’ve been the Managing Director of Girls Got Game, a non-profit organization that runs roving sports camps for girls from underprivileged communities. More than teaching the girls on-court skills of basketball, volleyball, football, and rugby, we teach them that values like confidence, discipline, and focus that are learned in sports also help you succeed in life. We introduce the girls to the concept of gender equality by providing them with equal opportunities to get into sports. Ultimately, we believe in empowering women through sports!

I’m proud to say that since 2015, the organization has grown so much and has touched so many lives. We’ve conducted more than 25 sports camps with at least 100 girls each – that’s more than 2,500 young Filipinas who were introduced to new sports! During the pandemic, we shifted to virtual sports camps but as soon as restrictions started loosening up again, we reverted back to in-person camps in our very own GGG Home Court that we renovated to be a safe space for young girls to play sports.

There is so much more work to be done in the field of women’s sports and gender equality, but I’d certainly like to think that at Girls Got Game, we’re taking a step in the right direction!

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