Lovingly Yours, Mom Ana Casas to Dearest Robbie, Mianne, Lisa, Tina, Joey, Michelle

By Ana Maria Alfonso Casa
HS 55 | College 59

Dear Kids, This may seem strange to you because I never wrote you a message like this. You know me-I’m not a “preacher” but since I was asked to give my “payo ng ina”, I guess I might as well give you my “4 Last Words” on life. So here goes…

Flanked by my 6 kids. From left to right: Robbie, Tina, Liza, Michelle, Mianne and Joey
Surrounded by my 6 children and their spouses plus my 13 grandchildren, 3 great grandsons & 2 siblings

1) GOD ABOVE ALL ELSE Give Him top priority in your life. Life is beautiful but bumps and even storms are part of it. If He is truly the center of your life, no disappointments or setbacks can ever faze you because you know you are in the arms of a loving Father Who wants only what’s best for you and Who is in control of everything. Allow Him to prune you. It’s the only way you can bear rich fruit! And trust Him. Believe me, He answers prayers of those who have complete trust in Him.

2) LOVE TRULY. I mean, a love that gives and does not expect anything in return – the way Jesus loves us; a love that makes time specially for loved ones and those who need love badly—the lonely, the overlooked, the sick, the aged, those who need it most. Pride is the best killer of love. It has destroyed many marriages. Learn to sit on your ego. And if you are hurt or betrayed, forgive. You have been forgiven again and again, by God. Do likewise. When we die, Jesus tells us, we will be judged according to how much we have loved, not according to our achievements or “holiness.”

3) MONEY-A TERRIBLE MASTER Now that your children are grown up, and are at the point of choosing their careers or seeking employment, encourage them to choose what will give them joy or fulfillment and not according to the fat paychecks they aim to receive. Money should only serve to meet your needs and to live in comparable comfort, not to be your master as it can easily enslave you. A wise person once said “to be upset by what you do not have is to waste what you do have”. Be happy and content with enough! Remember that the “real treasures are not what the hand can grasp but what the heart can hold.”

4) BE GRATEFUL There is a positive side to every situation. Concentrate on the positives in life, on the blessings and not on the challenges, on the wonderful people and not on the difficult ones, on lasting friendships and beautiful memories. Count your blessings and not your crosses. Everything is a grace and God’s gift! Tomorrow comes around oh so quickly. Life is short, a precious gift! Live as God wills and feel blessed by Him Who loves you! You know how much I do, too!   Mom

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