June 10, 2023 | Assumption San Lorenzo

By Jenny Santos Silayan

The AAA held it’s second of three for the year, Holy Mass offered for Dearly Departed Alumnae and Relatives last June 10, 2023. We were privileged to have Fr. Dave Concepcion to be our speaker and priest presider for this occasion.

Pope Francis calls us to encounter our Lord and one another in this Year of the Synod. We, in the AAA Faith and Spirituality Committee, endeavor to create these encounters. This activity encourages the alumnae to come home to AC and we would like to thank AC Highschool 73 Gold Jubilarians, AC Highschool 83 Ruby Jubilarians , and AC Highschool 93 Pearl Jubilarians for being our sponsors and mass readers. We would also like to thank Francine Campos AC Highschool 2017, for singing beautifully in our mass.

Called to Become What We Receive – A Talk Fr. Dave gave before our Mass had so many messages that we took to heart.

* We become what we eat, Avoid things that will make you sick
* We have to sustain ourselves and nourish ourselves by the Body of Christ, Recognize Jesús in the breaking of the bread not in the scriptures (Domus ecclesia)
* By the bread we share, the family that eats together stays together, it is in the breaking of the bread that keeps us together
* Go to mass in Church already, receive communion (most important not the hearing of mass alone)
* If you cannot tame your appetite you cannot tame your soul
* We eat to live and not live to eat – St Thomas
* St. Augustine, we receive little so we can share more
* The only thing we can keep in this world are the things we have given away.
* We not only receive Christ, we share Christ
* If we have more of Christ it is because we want to be more like Christ
We feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the prisoners
Bury the dead
Give alms to the poor
Clothe the naked
* St Teresa of Calcutta- if you have clothes that you don’t use then there are people naked in the streets because their clothes are in your closet
* Nobody becomes poor by keeping
* What really matters is not what our hands can hold but what our hearts can keep
* An easy life creates weak people
* Learn to understand the values that we need to
* Many would like to take the bread but avoid the cup of suffering
* Glory comes with suffering
* Joyful mystery comes with sorrowful mystery
* When we receive we become a person of submission and total dependence to God, Dependence – total surrender to the will of God
* God knows what is in our hearts
* If you are giving things that you do not need, it is just a decent way of throwing away
* The poor who have not shoes? Their shoes are in your cabinet. Spring clean and give those shoes and clothes to the needy!

We are called to become what we receive because it is who we are, what we are.

The AAA held it’s second of three for the year, Holy Mass offered for Dearly Departed Alumnae and Relatives last June 10, 2023. We were privileged to have Fr. Dave Concepcion to be our speaker and priest presider for this occasion.

Pope Francis calls us to encounter our Lord and one another in this Year of the Synod. We, in the AAA Faith and Spirituality Committee, endeavor to create these encounters. This activity encourages the alumnae to come home to AC and we would like to thank AC Highschool 73 Gold Jubilarians, AC Highschool 83 Ruby Jubilarians , and AC Highschool 93 Pearl Jubilarians for being our sponsors and mass readers. We would also like to thank Francine Campos AC Highschool 2017, for singing beautifully in our mass.

Called to Become What We Receive – A Talk Fr. Dave gave before our Mass had so many messages that we took to heart.

* We become what we eat, Avoid things that will make you sick
* We have to sustain ourselves and nourish ourselves by the Body of Christ, Recognize Jesús in the breaking of the bread not in the scriptures (Domus ecclesia)
* By the bread we share, the family that eats together stays together, it is in the breaking of the bread that keeps us together
* Go to mass in Church already, receive communion (most important not the hearing of mass alone)
* If you cannot tame your appetite you cannot tame your soul
* We eat to live and not live to eat – St Thomas
* St. Augustine, we receive little so we can share more
* The only thing we can keep in this world are the things we have given away.
* We not only receive Christ, we share Christ
* If we have more of Christ it is because we want to be more like Christ
We feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit the prisoners
Bury the dead
Give alms to the poor
Clothe the naked
* St Teresa of Calcutta- if you have clothes that you don’t use then there are people naked in the streets because their clothes are in your closet
* Nobody becomes poor by keeping
* What really matters is not what our hands can hold but what our hearts can keep
* An easy life creates weak people
* Learn to understand the values that we need to
* Many would like to take the bread but avoid the cup of suffering
* Glory comes with suffering
* Joyful mystery comes with sorrowful mystery
* When we receive we become a person of submission and total dependence to God, Dependence – total surrender to the will of God
* God knows what is in our hearts
* If you are giving things that you do not need, it is just a decent way of throwing away
* The poor who have not shoes? Their shoes are in your cabinet. Spring clean and give those shoes and clothes to the needy!

We are called to become what we receive because it is who we are, what we are.

This Mass was offered for our departed loved ones in the Assumption family, for the period covering February 17 to June 7, 2023

Name of Departed Sister
Sr. Margarita Guadalupe Amistoso, ra

Names of Departed Alumnae
• Asuncion “Sony” Lopez Gonzalez, HS50
* Maria Lourdes “Baby” Araneta Forès, HS54/Coll56
* Emy Malong, HS56
* Violeta Buenviaje Cadiz, HS57
* Leonora Recto Gelano, HS57
* Josefa Pineda, HS57
* Maria Rita Zamora Lopez, HS69
* Mary Therese “Tess” D. Arguelles, Iloilo HS79
* Ma. Cristina Margarita “Cricket” Viray Paras, HS94
* Renee Rose “Bonnette” Zingalaoa Werthwein, HS97
* Filomena “Nena” Verzosa Barerra, Coll60
* Joaquina “Nena” Infante de Aranaz, HS46

Names of Departed Relatives of Alumnae
• Raffy Abaya, dad of Cara
* Lambert Isidro Ablaza, dad of Malou
* Atty. Jose S. Alejandro, dad of Marissa & Marichelle, grandfather of Nica Lopa
* Resurreccion Antonio, dad of Bernadette
* Rodolfo C. Batin, dad of Lizbeth
* Jean Ignacio Gonzales, mom of Monette, Bettina & Carla; grandmother of Zoe & Zachee dela Cruz
* Albert Florence A. Goquingco, brother of Tina
* Gualberto Librea Kalaw, dad of Mia
* Lenlie Lecaroz, husband of Tuttie Gregorio
* Gilbert “Brum” G. Ledesma, husband of Debbie Miranda
* Junie Ledesma, brother of Ina (+), Joy, Queenie, Trixie and Jeanne
* Corazon Dizon Legaspi, mother-in-law of Anna Recto; grandmother of Bella
* Ofelia Medenilla, grandmother of Mariel, Andie & Sophie Casas
* Lolita Garcia Renfrow, mom of Anna & Patty
* Oscar R. Santiago, dad of Marika
* Leonardo Soriano, husband of Carmeling Hechanova; father of Marivic, Sonie, Liselle & Minnie
* Leticia “Letty” Tabora Teodoro, mom of Marfina, Norma, Carol, Patricia, Dorotea & Helen Ann, mother-in-law of Hilda Rita Lopez (+)
* Martin T. de Villa, brother of Maricor, Ginny, Ria & Ana

The readers for the mass are: Marylee Gomez and Marivic Eraña representing ACHS73 Gold Jubilarians, Maricen Jalandoni and Melissa Romualdez for ACHS83 Ruby Jubilarians and Liesl Suarez and Grace de Casro for ACHS93 Pearl Jubilarians. We had the family members of the departed be the offerors for the mass : the TEODOROs , the DE VILLAs and WERTHWEIN.

“It meant much too to see the name of my brother, Martin, up there in the screen among the prayer intentions. Mom, my sister Maricor, my NOel, Manuel and Gaby include their thanks for the prayers…so beautiful, so necessary, so appreciated…. Thank you, thank you for yesterday!” – Ana de Villa Singson.

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