Every three years, the Assumption Alumnae Association Abroad (AAAA) holds a reunion held in one of the U.S. cities. Each chapter takes turns hosting this event. While the occasion itself is a social event, this three-day weekend event usually incorporates fundraising activities and some kind of spiritual reflection to which alumnae are invited to speak on educational, inspirational and motivational topics.
The 12th Triennial Reunion, which was supposed to have been hosted by AAAA-NE and held in Philadelphia in 2020 was cancelled due to the pandemic. However, that didn’t stop AAAA-NE from engaging in various activities to regain some normalcy in our daily lives. We were able to raise funds to donate to the Assumption Sisters’ Ministry in Chaparral, New Mexico.

This year, AAAA-NE has decided to hold the 12th Triennial Reunion with a simple dinner in New York City on August 12 and a picnic in Central Park the following day. We have chosen four high school students (two juniors and two seniors) from St. John’s School of Thabom of the Religious of the Assumption in Thailand as the beneficiary of our fundraising efforts.

We hope you can join us!

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