Proud to be! HS 83


Me (32rd from the right, standing beside Sr. Mary Joseph Concepcion, RA) and the AAA Trustees and friends who put so much preparation into the 22nd AAA Golf Tournament.

WE’RE BACK!  It’s on the cover for the return of the 22nd AAA golf tournament.  But we…the AAA and all the alumnae that embody the AAA are back not just for golf but also for everything we have always been.  Raised to be women of faith and women of action, the past years have not seen us waver in faith.  Through the pandemic, the typhoons, the fears, the uncertainties, the isolation, our faith did not falter.  Our ability to take action though was severely curtailed by the isolation imposed by the horrors of the pandemic.  Throughout the pandemic, we met through zoom but never hugged nor touched, we were still isolated despite seeing each other on screen.  When major typhoons hit, our generosity continued to overflow but we did not pack relief goods nor distribute them as we used to.  We had a major fundraiser, Magnificart, an online art auction and raised a record breaking amount but that too was online.  We appreciated the art, imagined them, placed our bids and hoped that the actual art piece was as beautiful when delivered as it was in the picture on our screens and in our minds.  We became good at  “remoteness” because the world operated remotely then.

BUT…WE ARE BACK!  WE ARE WOMEN OF ACTION AGAIN and this month is replete with examples of alumnae venturing out in big ways to put their faith into action!  The 22nd AAA Golf tournament reprises an annual tradition that was put on hold for 4 years.  We welcomed players who came in droves…happy to reconnect, happier to restage a tradition, happiest to help our common cause. 

WE ARE BACK!  Typhoon Egay and Falcon hit us badly and we were up and about not just donating through online bank transfers but we were up and about packing goods, delivering them, adding a smile to the many bags of relief goods distributed. Read about Mara Nepomuceno Fortrich’s “Barog Siargao” and see photos of alumnae packing relief goods and our beloved RA nuns distributing them.

WE ARE BACK!  Alumnae Around the world; in London, New York, Los Angeles and our own very own Bacolod have dispensed with masks and air kisses and head bowing as social distancing and health precaution measures. They are meeting again, celebrating Assumption Day again with big groups who are hugging, doing beso beso and the photos with so many smiling faces in one room (or beside the grotto in Bacolod!) can only fill your hearts with all things bright and beautiful. All around the world, we are as we should be.  Connecting.  Reconnecting.  Celebrating!

This August edition of the Assumpta is in partnership with High School Batch 1999.  They are the Silvers of 2024.  I know them through Gladys Santiago Zafra whom I call an ex officio AAA member since she helps in a lot of the AAA Committees.  Collaborating with Gladys and her classmate, Inez Togle Velasquez, we bring you a glimpse of the soon-to-be Silvers. ACHIEVE is their chosen battle cry and they explain why at the end of this edition.  They have been preparing for their jubilee and are happy to share the stories of their batch and batchmates.  My special thanks also to Gladys who helped me in laying out the cover pages of this edition.  The younger touch, the energetic dynamism of our younger alumnae are clearly marked all over this month’s pages.

Generations apart! I’m HS 83 and Gladys is HS 99. I call her my “Little Sister!” We forged the partnership between Assumpta and HS 99 for this August edition. HS 99 are the Silvers in 2024!
HS 99, 20 years after they graduated from high school!

WE’RE BACK!!!  We are not just women of faith.  We are now women of even stronger faith.  When faced with unimagined fears and horrors over the past years, we reached the peak of what our frail humanity could do and did what only the faithful can…we surrendered ourselves completely to God and asked Him to cradle us and nurture us with His care and protection.

We are women of even stronger faith.  We are women of action.

We are back!


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