by: Marissa A. Lopa

The creative process is a mysterious one. There is no certain way to create something amazing, and oftentimes , brilliance can result from the most unexpected things.

Michelle Perez has found that kind of brilliance and brought that into her art.

In her earlier years after college at the Ateneo, she journeyed through the unique and tedious process of enamel painting in Madrid, Spain . A few years of study under the tutelage of Spanish master Angela Crespo de Pereira and coming home to Manila to collaborate with the late sculptor, Ed Castrillo, produced a few but very promising works.

While living in Australia as a young mother, she pursued her interest in oil painting .

But upon returning to Manila a few years later, she found herself exploring and expressing herself through elastomeric paint. The material has continued to inspire creations beyond the typical applications of this medium and has developed into an artistic partnership in this artist’s journey.

In her words, “I feel like I am just scratching the surface of the potential that this material and process has to offer. The nuances and versatility of this combination allow endless possibilities. I am beginning to develop an intimate relationship with them and a unique process continues to evolve and unfold before me. Although I do not limit myself to this material and process, I eagerly continue to explore them …” 

From her first show in 2014 ESSENTIAL , at the NOW Art Gallery, Michelle has had multiple shows with the Finale Art Gallery. She has also put together a collection for a successful show in Singapore.  Impressive commissions for establishments like the Conrad Hotel and  residences are what keeps her busy. Her shows are eagerly awaited by well respected private collectors . 

Michelle finds an unending inspiration in everything and everyday life. I think there lies the brilliance in her work. Her Assumption upbringing, her life experiences, her great love for her family & friends, her appreciation & gratefulness for life are what keeps her abstract works so compelling. So there is still so much to expect from this prolific artist. I am especially honored to have witnessed her continued growth and  extremely proud to  be her friend .


  1. Josie Nieto

    Proud of you, Michelle. Did not know this side of your art.
    Keep going. Thank you for sharing this article and your accomplishments. Sharing this with my family. Take care.

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