By Tinnette Nisce
Intro by Ana de Villa – Singson

AAA Club-bing was born during the pandemic at a time when physical contact was impossible and when reaching out to others was via zoom. One day, in the bubble of my room, I had a eureka moment of putting together different alumnae groups through fun lessons. On the surface, AAA CLUB-BING was born to teach hobbies and crafts. But the real intent, was to provide opportunities to feel connected in a disconnected world gone awry and to provide comfort, friendship and fun among dear and familiar faces.

But Tinnette, my dear friend and co-trustee in the AAA Board brought AAA Club-bing to a place far more elevated than I had ever envisioned. She made it a cause. She brought the skills she learned from the Crafts Club and the Cooking and Baking Club and gave AAA Club-bing such profound meaning by sharing her talents to bring joy to so many. I am humbled and so profoundly happy that learnings from our Club brought smiles to so many faces. —Ana

At the La Palma Home Care. L-r caregiver Tita, my Mom, me and caregiver Ric
With fellow hooker Pamela!

Being part of the Assumption Alumnae Association (AAA) as a Board of Trustee has opened more doors in my life. The AAA Club-bing which I have actively participated in, has taught me new skills like crocheting, cooking & baking. These have allowed me to volunteer in a senior home, while on vacation. I prepared Egg Truffle Sandwiches & Chicken Sandwiches (modified from Crab Roll Buns), I learned during the AAA Cooking & Baking Club with Chef Pixie Sevilla.

Recently, while vacationing in California, I volunteered to cheer-up the residents of La Palma Home Care. The residents aged 73 to 97 years old truly enjoyed the sandwiches I prepared! Aside from this, I was able to spend time learning more crochet skills with 86 year old “granny hooker” Pamela. She is completely bedridden but is firm on never allowing a day to go by being idle. So she just keeps hooking & has created a number of shawls! I am a beginner so what are my granny squares to her shawls but she surely inspired me. CROCHET is LIFE, so I’ll keep hookin’! Thank you Crochet Guru, Master Hooker, Rea Gomez for your patience during our AAA Club-bing Crochet Crafts Club classes, and even during our Viber Group chats! Special gratitude to dear Ana V. Singson, AAA VP & Head of Club-bing, who tirelessly makes AAA Club-bing exciting & practical for everyday living. I will never want to miss a club!

What thanks can I render Thee? Assumpta est Maria, All Hail!

The residents truly enjoyed what we prepared!
The simple homemade lunch my mom and I prepared: baked macaroni, egg truffle sandwiches( learned for the High Tea Session of the AAA Cooking and Baking Club!), Chicken Sandwiches and Banana Cupcakes
Crochet granny squares! Crochet moves learned in AAA CLUBBING’s Craft Club! A Ball of Appreciation to Pamela, with love!
Granny Hooker Pamela and the shawls she creates in bed!


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