ARTS & CULTURE: Collecting true stories about Mama Mary’s love

By:  Malou Dulce-Betco, HS 84

Russian political theorist, Leon Trotsky, once said, “Art is not a mirror to hold up to society, but a hammer with which to shape it.”  We spoke to three Ruby Jubilarians who have discovered a talent and passion for the arts — not just as a mirror to society, but as an expression of what it means to be a Woman of Faith and an instrument to make the world a better place in their own little way.

HS 84

“I am not a writer.”  Rowie says this over and over again.  And yet, she has been blessed to co-author a series of books called “Mama Mary and Her Children”. 

Her journey began when she received an invitation from Fr. James B. Reuter, S.J. to work on the 2nd installment of his book “Mama Mary and Her Children”.  Rowie said YES because she says you just cannot say no to Fr. Reuter.  But deep inside, she was filled with doubt.  Her work involved finding true stories of people who experienced Mama Mary’s love and intercession in their lives.  Could she do it?

Filled with uncertainty, she stopped at a nearby church. And, as luck — or more accurately, Faith — would have it, that’s where she found her first story.  She ran into a friend of her mother’s who had an inspiring story to tell.  One down.  About 30 more stories to go.

To this date, Rowie has worked on 7 of the 8 books in the series — each with 30 or more true stories.  And while the stories themselves are a living testament to our Catholic Faith, the process of authoring and producing each book became a testament to Rowie’s personal Faith journey.  Each time she was faced with a challenge, she felt the hand of God and the intercession of Mary to overcome these challenges.  She always received what she needed most — be it someone to help her write, or edit or even publish the books.

“Mama Mary really works in mysterious ways.  What I’ve realized is, you just have to say YES. You don’t have to think if you’re good enough.  She will give you all the powers.”

Rowie believes that being an author is fulfilling and rewarding because it allows her to share stories of people who have experienced Mama Mary’s love through answered prayers and miracles.  “It brings a sense of joy knowing that the books have touched people’s lives and helped them connect with spirituality.  It’s a humbling experience to be part of something that positively impacts others.”

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