Stories collated by Tina Nakpil  – Casas
Editing and Introduction by  Ana de Villa-Singson

In celebration of our Sainted Foundress’ anniversary, we tracked some of our best and brightest, St Marie Eugenie awardees.  Graduating from their class with the highest badge of honor that Assumption bestows, they exemplified the virtues of Assumption education.  In this, their life stories, they have grown into women whose lives bear witness to our foundress’ teachings.  Some of them chose to do things differently, facing challenges,  much like St Eugenie whose vision of equality for women was considered modern during her time. Some of our awardees are very young, having just graduated from Grade School.  Though tender in years, they are already socially aware and active in promoting their ideals and principles.   Others followed  SME’s mantra and vocation for Education and became teachers, shapers of young minds. They may have walked out of Assumption’s walls years ago but they remain true to her teachings.  In their choices and decisions, they reflect and pray.  They choose to see the good in others and when exhausted and worn down, they try to find  joy in every situation and each person, finding the strength to give even more.  Their lives teach us that what we truly learn, we put into action; what we truly believe in, we follow with passion and faith. This is Life Stories…the Saint Marie Eugenie Way!

SME Awardee | HS 1992

When the pandemic hit, my husband and I considered homeschooling our three girls. We sat each of them down separately, did our research, and collated the possible pros and cons of both options. There was debate and back-and-forth but in the end, each child chose to shift to a homeschooling program. It was not an easy transition in the beginning. The two older ones, who were more conscientious of their education, soon got the hang of it and intolerance is EDUCATION. She would say that an educated mind is an open and enlightened mind, and that by reaching out to others through education, there will be hope for peace in our communities, in our country and in our world. (…Read More)

SME Awardee | HS 1970  & COLLEGE 1974

“LOVE NEVER SAYS I HAVE DONE ENOUGH”.  We were created in the image and likeness of God.  God is love and likely so we are love itself. This has been my inspiration in life , as an individual, a wife, mother and now head of the Volunteer group of the St. Luke’s Medical Center.  It is only in loving that we can truly give of ourselves  and experience real joy and happiness when we share our time, talent and resources to others especially those who are in need. Love is a 2 way process too. (…Read More)

SME Awardee | Grade School 2019

Today, we face a myriad of issues that need to be addressed. Lack of access to education is one of the most pressing problems that have to be dealt with immediately. Thus, major effects of this include poor overall health, high crimes, unemployment, exploitation, shorter lifespan, and gender inequality. Education not only teaches basic skills such as reading and writing but also helps us to develop important qualities, such as strong communication and social skills.  (…Read More)

SME Awardee | HS 1982

The teaching of St. Marie Eugenie, to “Be all Jesus wants you to be” resonates deeply in my heart.   As a Senior in high school in 1982, I felt that I had such a strong calling to join our Assumption religious order and become an Assumption nun. Of the many unforgettable high school moments we had, being involved in Immersions, engaging and teaching children, instilled in me the desire to pursue a life of service for others.  (…Read More)

SME Awardee | Grade School 2017

AC has always been vocal about transforming women into women of faith and action, and I believe that this has prepared me to face the challenges that I am encountering head-on. It is not new for different social issues and breaking news to be discussed in Social Studies classes, or even to have a special morning talk to tackle and to inform students regarding this, and this has sparked the woman of action in me. (…Read More)

SME Awardee | HS 1991

I always thought that they might have made a mistake awarding me [the SME]. I wasn’t a great student. I felt I was just doing what I thought was right at that time. I just studied as hard as I could; shared what I could. And back then, mostly it was my time and efforts to support the student council, my class and even just my classmates. As I was writing [this], it was only then I really realized that that was it. MME just wanted the giving and sharing ,knowing that they are with and for the Lord, for Mama Mary. (…Read More)

SME Awardee | HS 1993

It has been 29 years since I received the greatest award of my life, the Saint Marie Eugenie award; and there has never been a day that SME hasn’t influenced my life. I have been able to fulfill my lifelong dream to be of service to others, by being an instrument of God to heal others. Through the many years of trials, hardships and sacrifices to achieve my dream of  becoming a doctor,  I have always reminded myself that this is my calling, and my life must indeed be a constant yes to God. (…Read More)

SME Awardee |HS 1986

Saint Marie Eugenie’s influence has been quite strong in my own life, even today.  Her mission of educating others remains a core part of my life.

Right after college in 1990, I taught English Literature and Composition to freshman high school girls at the Assumption College, SLV.  The following school year, I decided to continue my teaching journey at Assumption Antipolo.  Here I taught Grammar and Composition to the seventh grade class as well as helped in their formation as Assistant Class Adviser from 1991-1992. (…Read More)

SME Awardee | HS 1976

On March 19, 1976 I was pleasantly surprised to be called up on stage for the Marie Eugenie award primarily for my involvement in Social Action. My Dad, Jose Maria whose feast day we celebrated that day, pinned the medal right at the center of my chest. I felt the impact of that medal not only as a physical weight that landed on my heart but also because as it nestled there, it came with huge words in my mind: Education, Housing, Health Care for the underprivileged. Since then I felt the need to know Marie Eugenie better.  (…Read More)

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