JASMINE JOCSON | SME Awardee | Grade School 2019

Today, we face a myriad of issues that need to be addressed. Lack of access to education is one of the most pressing problems that have to be dealt with immediately. Thus, major effects of this include poor overall health, high crimes, unemployment, exploitation, shorter lifespan, and gender inequality. Education not only teaches basic skills such as reading and writing but also helps us to develop important qualities, such as strong communication and social skills. Without this, it is difficult for us to become working members of our society. It is also through education, particularly in spiritual education that we can connect ourselves and find our purpose, meaning, and facilitate our relations with God. To solve this maybe the State, Church, and we citizens support each other to come up with more schools dedicated to the education of the poor. As St. Marie Eugenie did when she funded an order to the education of girls from all social classes. St Marie Eugenie believed that to educate is to set a person free, to educate is to transform the world. In my own little way to solve the issue, I am now serving as a Catechist in our parish Church to fulfill the potential of children, and to prepare them for life by giving them the tools they need to keep on learning throughout the many experiences that would come to them, especially in these trying times.

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