An Ode to LITA LOZANO CORPUS by Cynthia Corpus Pangilinan (HS Class ’70)

She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears but a woman who honors the Lord should be praised.

My Dearest Beloved Mommy, 

On July 1, 2022, it will be 10 years since you have joined our Creator in heaven. There is not a single moment that goes by that I don’t miss you.

I can still feel your presence and your love. You have and will always be my pillar of strength. 

Every time I am confronted with life’s challenges, your words of wisdom flash through my mind and then I begin to pray. 

Praying is a legacy you left behind, a valuable and intangible inheritance we continue to apply. You never got tired of praying. How I wish I could pray as piously and devotedly as you did, with great faith and trust in God. Mom, through your inspiration and your example, my prayer time became more regular and more meaningful.

Thank you for bringing me closer to Jesus, our Lord and Saviour and to His Blessed Mother Mary, a Blessed Mother to us too. Thank you for letting me believe in the power of prayers.

You were a great mother and grandmother. You loved and supported your family tremendously and unconditionally. You found joy and happiness in your family.  

Throughout my life, not only were you a dedicated mother to me, you were a friend, confidante, defender and guide.

I am who I am today because of you. Thank you for being the best mom ever and for the beautiful memories we shared.

I will continue to celebrate the gift that God gave me in my lifetime: You, my loving and admirable mother.

Please pray for us as we continue to pray for you.

With all my heart, I love you forever.

Your daughter,

2 Replies to “ODE TO MOM”


    Tita Lita has always been proud of you and very happy with you.
    I thank God that somehow He has shared your mom, my Tita Lita, with me to guide me, too.
    From Day One, she treated me as one of the family.
    Thank you, Tita Lita, for all the love,
    the trust and care especially when I lost my mom when I was 32 years old, you were there for me. I miss you as much as miss my best friend Claro. Help me to continue to pray for all of you there in Heaven including Tito Resty, Tito Lope, Tita Lilia, Tita Lina and Tita ???. Love you. God bless.

  2. Sarah Panajon

    Tita Lita, ❤️ I am privileged to have known you up close and personal. You are always elegant, open and honest in our “chikahan” and treated me also like a true friend and family.
    Thank you for the friendship, as a sister in the Lord, as a family friend. Thank you for Cecile, Cynthia & Conrad. . . you raised two beautiful, loyal & dependable friends to many of us. ❤️💖💛

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