It was 10 in the morning. I had changed my outfit at least 5 times…praying that the pandemic poundage from watching Netflix and K-drama would not be so visible. I dutifully looked for a something shiny, a sequined disco headband, since Tab Abad Estacion, our Club moderator ,suggested wearing something shiny and bright as a theme. Pudgy Carcereny Garcia, one of our clubbers, was dressed to the nines…choosing blindingly red lipstick as her something bright, paired with large bright hoop earrings. She looked like a model ready to party! As for me, I thought my silver sequined disco headband was blindingly bright…but I was awed by Lala Dinglasan’s ( our dance teacher!) outfit, revealed bit by bit through video. In a black tank and a sequined all the way silver bell bottom pants…I knew right away that this was going to be fun, fun, fun!
They make it look so easy! Clap clap clap!
Dancing to Shakira’s Waka Waka | This time for Africa… a rythmic fun song to jive to!
We danced, jived, moved, rocked, gyrated hips and moved muscles I had not moved in a very long time ( that’s how bad I am at exercising). Our music playlist was a happy mix! My favorite was Shakira’s Waka Waka (This time for Africa). Fully warmed up by then, we shouted AFRICA before embarking on the tribal, jungle-like predatory lunges of the famous World Cup half timer song! There were songs to by the flavor du jour, the BTS Korean group with armies of fandom. I was panting throughout with BP AT 131, but doggedly refused to stop. Happily Lala was generous with water breaks. By the end of the session, my Fitbit recorded over 7, 400 steps! I rushed to the weighing scale…and hip hip hooray…I had shed 1.2 lbs in an hour. I was ecstatic, jubilant, so proud of myself that I immediately wolfed down an entire slice of heavily iced carrot cake…and gained all the poundage back! Alas, I have yet to master discipline when it comes to the sinful, unhealthy world of sugary desserts!
Who can resist giving love offerings when it is so ingeniously and cutely incorporated into the dance session! Kudos to Gladys Zafra for this adorably cute clip and idea!
But…there is hope! There is a next session …and a video too that we can all dance to while waiting for the next dance session with Lala. Just an early declaration. Your Batch Reps committee, which brings you the Club-bing initiative, is very new to this. So we set the video recording on default. Unfortunately, the default recorded only Lala ( who is such a graceful and gorgeous dancer to watch and follow) and me ( this is very unfortunate since as I had told you, I have not exercised in a long time and my dance moves are decidedly rusty!). We had spotlighted so many beautiful ladies dancing so wonderfully ,doing the 80’s scissor and swimming moves, twisting to and fro, belly dancing at times, but our video settings didn’t record them. So we are posting a heavily edited version, with as much of me edited out so that you can watch Lala and delight in her dance moves…and follow her too.
Can’t wait till the next dance session! Join us! See you there!