Xavier de Kibangay High School is a Diocesan School of Bukidnon. It is located in Barangay Kibangay, part of the municipality of Lantapan. The Assumption Sisters were asked to administer it in 1998 by the Bishop of the Diocese, Bishop Emeritus Honesto Pacana, S.J.

         Today the Assumption Sisters continue to be of service to this Diocesan School, a beautiful mission for the poor and indigenous youth through transformative education. The school is the only Catholic School in the area. It welcomes elementary graduates from 7 public schools. Many of the faculty members are alumni of this school. We are happy that they come back to serve and become Good News to the community. The Sisters involve themselves in the different areas: Administration, classroom teacher, librarian and canteen.

         The Assumption Sisters are not alone in this mission. They have involved their Alumnae to be part of this mission. We are happy that the AAA are part of our endeavor.  They have responded to the needs of the school especially during this pandemic times. We are happy and proud of them. Like St. Marie Eugenie, they are women of faith and action.

School year 2020-2021 was a challenging year for us. We were not ready for a different way of learning. Our condition is already challenging and the pandemic made it worst. We have to consider many factors; our students’ places, their economic status and the conditions of the family.

         After the survey and meeting with the parents of our 1,000+ students, the school has no choice/option but to prepare modules. We cannot have online classes. Many of our students do not have cellphones or laptops and some still have no electricity.

          Preparing modules require a lot of energy, time and budget. The teachers can work hard but how to provide the materials is another story.

God hears the cry of the poor, the APP with the AAA came to our rescue. With their burning desire to help we were inspired and filled with hope. We received from them Cash and materials. With their donations we were able to purchase reams of bond papers, inks for the printers, binding machines, plastic binders and folders. We had a supply for the whole year. Printing machines and a copier were given and these made the productions faster. We also received health protocols materials. Part of the donation was also use to pay some of the miscellaneous fees of students who were having financial difficulties. Our hearts were grateful to God for sending us assistance through the Assumption.

These donations made our works lighter. We were able to finished our works on time and the teachers do not need to go home late. There was an organized system that was created because of the donations. Everyone is happy while working because we know people love and care for us. We were inspire to give more, to go beyond what is required of us. We did not go only to the areas to distribute the modules but we attended to those who cannot fully understand the lessons after the distribution. We reached out to those who have difficulties. We cannot claim, we have done enough.

Thank you very much dear AAA. Thank you for supporting our mission of Education at Xavier de Kibangay High School. You are a blessing to our school. May you be blessed with God’s love and joy. 

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